Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 5th Links

1. For those interested in maximum likelihood estimation techniques, Vincent Granville discusses the method of steepest ascent in relation to Google's search algorithm.

2. The Economist: "Only a few fast-developing countries, such as Brazil and China, now seem short of PhDs."

3. U.S. Council of Graduate Schools: The Ph.D. Completion Project

4. Yesterday it was announced that Irish property prices fell back to 2002 levels in 2010, according to reports from MyHome.ie and Sherry Fitzgerald; so it is interesting to read this SSISI paper (2007) by P.J. Drudy which "argues that Ireland’s housing problems stem in part from a particular philosophical orientation which supports the 'commodification' of housing".

5. The (U.K.) Royal Statistical Society "Get Stats" Campaign: 'giving everyone the skills and confidence to use numbers well'.

6. Researchers at Harvard have found a way of using the iPhone to measure people’s moods and have found a correlation between daydreaming and unhappiness.

7. The new Happiness Index to gauge Britain's national mood.

8. The regional impacts of Northern Irish HEIs.

9. Tom McKenzie and Dirk Sliwka: Universities as Stakeholders in their Students' Careers: On the Benefits of Graduate Taxes to Finance Higher Education.

10. CNN Money: Should companies offer sabbaticals?

11. Damien Mulley: "Failure" and Enterprise Culture in Ireland.

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