Perubahan fisika lebih kita kenal sebagai perubahan wujud zat. Pada perubahan wujud zat, tidak ada zat baru yang terbentuk. Zat tersebut meski telah berubah wujudnya tetapi masih mempunyai rumus molekul kimia yang sama. Macam-macam perubahan fisika:
- Mencair: perubahan wujud zat dari padat ke cair.
- Menguap: perubahan wujud zat dari cair ke gas.
- Menyublim: perubahan wujud zat dari gas ke padat/sebaliknya.
- Mengembun: perubahan wujud zat dari gas ke cair.
- Membeku: perubahan wujud zat dari cair ke padat.
Perubahan kimia kita kenal sebagai reaksi kimia ditandai dengan beberapa ciri:
- perubahan warna.
- perubahan suhu.
- timbulnya endapan.
- timbulnya gas.
C8H8(g) + 12 O2(g) ----> 8 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(g)
bensin + oksigen ----> karbondioksida + uap air
Terlihat bahwa terbentuk zat baru yaitu karbondioksida dan uap air yang memiliki rumus molekul berbeda dengan zat awal yaitu bensin dan oksigen.
Physical change is not marked with the new substance. While the chemical changes are marked with the new substance.
Physical change as we know called as phase substance. There is no new substance is created. Although these substance have phase changed but these substance still have the same chemical molecule formula. Various physical changes:
1. Melt: change in form of solid matter to liquid.
2. Evaporate: change in form of liquid matter to gas.
3. Sublimation: change in form of solid matter to gas and vice versa.
4. Dew: change in form of gas matter to liquid.
5. Frozen: change in form of liquid matter to solid.
Changes in ice melt into water is an example of physical changes. Ice and water have the same molecular formula, which is H2O, so that no new substance is created.
Chemical changes we know as a chemical reaction by a few characteristics:
1. changes of color.
2. changes in temperature.
3. the occurrence of precipitation.
4. the occurrence of gas.
In the combustion of fuel gas there is chemical process change occurs. If we consider gas consists of octane, burning gas reaction:
C8H8 (g) + 12 O2 (g) ----> 8 CO2 (g) + 4 H2O (g)
fuel + oxygen ----> carbon dioxide + water vapor
That form new substances, namely carbon dioxide and water vapor that has a different molecular formula with the initial substances, octane and oxygen gas.
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