Mariana Montiel, Biguel R. Wilhelmi, Draga Vidakovic and Iwan Elstak have written an article called Using the onto-semiotic approach to identify and analyze mathematical meaning when transiting between different coordinate systems in a multivariate context. The article was published online in Educational Studies in Mathematics on Saturday. Here is the abstract of their article:

The main objective of this paper is to apply the onto-semiotic approach to analyze the mathematical concept of different coordinate systems, as well as some situations and university students’ actions related to these coordinate systems. The identification of objects that emerge from the mathematical activity and a first intent to describe an epistemic network that relates to this activity were carried out. Multivariate calculus students’ responses to questions involving single and multivariate functions in polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates were used to classify semiotic functions that relate the different mathematical objects.
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