Sunday, July 6, 2008


The International Congress on Mathematical Education - ICME - is arguably the largest and most important conference/congress in mathematics education research. The congress is arranged every four years, and ICME-11 is arranged in Monterrey, Mexico (July 6-13). Around 4000 participants are expected from 100 countries!

These are the official goals of ICME-11:

  1. To provide a forum for mathematics education professionals from all over the world, where they can exchange ideas, information and viewpoints and develop productive dialog with their peers. By M.E. professionals we mean to include teachers, teacher assistants, researchers, curriculum designers, textbook and materials authors, academic administrators, and others whose work and interests are strongly related to mathematics education.
  2. To provide M.E. professionals with opportunities for professional development by presenting their work and receiving immediate feedback and to establish or strengthen working relationships with their peers.
  3. To promote collaboration between educators from different countries, in a wide and inclusive manner, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, religion, political ideology, citizenship, or any other difference between groups or individuals.
  4. To improve the practice and research of mathematics education in all the countries represented at the congress, inasmuch as we believe that this is an expected outcome of the type of study, learning, dialog, and collaboration that the work developed prior to and at the congress promotes.
Today's program includes a welcome gathering, and the scientific program starts tomorrow, Monday. The program is too overwhelming to describe here, but be sure to check the description online! If interested, you might also consider visiting the Wikipedia page about ICME (feel free to participate in making it better).

If you plan on following the conference online, all plenary activities are broadcasted online.

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