Monday, July 7, 2008

ICME 11 - Day 1

The first plenary lecture of ICME 11 is held by two distinguished scholars in our field: Michèle Artigue and Jeremy Kilpatrick. Their lecture is entitled: "What do we know? And how do we know it?" Here is the description of their presentation:
The International Program Committee of ICME-11 proposed that we launch the academic activities of this congress through a dialogue on issues of crucial interest for mathematics education today, such as the following: What do we know that we did not know ten years ago in mathematics education, and how have we come to know it? What kind of evidence is needed and available in mathematics education? What are society's expectations regarding our field, and how do we respond to them? How far can visions of teaching and learning mathematics and evidence in the field transcend the diversity of educational contexts and cultures? In the plenary, we will engage in such a dialogue, presenting our respective views of the dynamics of the field and its outcomes in the last ten or fifteen years, the main challenges we have to face today, and how we can address them.
This plenary presentation is followed up by a panel debate after lunch. The debate is chaired by David Clarke (Australia), and the panel consists of: Paul Cobb (USA), Mariolina Bartolini Bussi (Italy), Teresa Rojano (Mexico) and Shiqi Li (China).

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