Monday, August 23, 2010

Who's gonna help students who have been defrauded?

There's all this chatter and activity swirling around students who have been defrauded by higher education institutions. I think that's just swell, and I especially applaud Luke Swarthout in Sen. Harkin's office for his work on the for-profit scandals. But it seems to me that no one is doing anything to help students who have been defrauded (it doesn't matter if they went to a for-profit or non-profit). Why not? In my view, this means the Department of Education is left off the hook. This institution has done nothing to help current debtors, and I think that's a disgusting shame.

Debra Wiley is a prime example. She responded to my pleas for help several months ago, and claimed that she'd opened a file for my concerns and claims. (She's at the Dept. of Education). However, I haven't heard a thing out of her since that first email. Well, that doesn't work for me. Nope. It don't suffice. That's why I want all of you to email her and ask her why the Department of Education has failed to respond to the needs of student debtors. Why are they taking our concerns for granted? Why is the Administration helping out homeowners and ignoring us?  

PLEASE EMAIL DEBRA WILEY AND CC ME. HER EMAIL IS: Ask her why the Department of Education is failing to help current debtors. Why have they forgotten us?!?

Fated to be forgotten and forsaken?

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