Monday, September 21, 2009

Self-efficacy beliefs regarding mathematics and science teaching

Murat Bursal has written an article about Turkish preservice elementary teachers' self-efficacy beliefs regarding mathematics and science teaching. This article was published online in International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education on Thursday. A key finding is that the preservice teachers in this study had "adequate" self-efficacy beliefs when they graduated. These findings are linked with a recent reform in Turkish teacher education. Here is the abstract of the article:
This study investigated Turkish preservice, elementary teachers’ personal mathematics teaching efficacy (PMTE), and science teaching efficacy (PSTE) beliefs at the end of their teacher education program. A majority of the participants believed they were well prepared to teach both elementary mathematics and science, but their PSTE scores were significantly lower than their PMTE scores. However, a significant correlation was found between the PMTE and PSTE scores. No significant gender effect on PMTE and PSTE scores was observed, but unlike the results from other countries, Turkish female preservice elementary teachers were found to have slightly higher PMTE and PSTE scores than their male peers. High school major area was found to be a significant predictor of participants’ PMTE and PSTE scores. Participants with mathematics/science high school majors were found to have significantly higher PMTE and PSTE scores than those with other high school majors.

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