Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nick Burbules on technology and education

Two short clips on YouTube of fellow EPB blogger Nick Burbules being interviewed in Argentina about technology and education.

Nick Burbules on technology and education

Two short clips on YouTube of fellow EPB blogger Nick Burbules being interviewed in Argentina about technology and education.

News Page Rank In Google Number 1

Alhamdulliah netas juga telunya setelah ngecek page rank di akhirnya sedikit demi sedikit kemajuan ada. pertama juga bingung apa itu page rank, sebelumnya juga masih bingung kok gak ada yg comment dan temen trus masih belum taw cara posting yg bagus. dari semua dapat masukan dan ide2 akhirnya sedikit demi sedikit ada jalan keluarnya, susah juga ternyata. jadi nambah semangat buat ngblog kadang ampe begadang. seperti demam Facebook aja. mulai dari daftar di cari2 ditop seratus dan lihat2 blog2 terkenal. sebelumnya ini semua banyak belajar dari mas dan mba2 yang udah duluan ngeblog dari saya dan dah senior. terima kasih kepada:
mas setiawan/amri bunda reni
mas semar
mas marcell
tika mas tova mbah jack mas eri dina
bunda medani/penny
mas andy mba nura
lusalary mba irma mas agoes3 bahtiar
muhhammad sholeh

dan lain2 yang belum disebutkan.

terima kasih atas bantuan, sumbangsih dan pengetahuan yang diberikan kepada saya hingga akhirnya bisa seperti ini. semoga bisa bermanfaat serta menjalin silahturahmi.

maap saya belum bisa buat award atau banner. jadi belum bisa memberikan penghargaan. ;) maturnuwun.

A better way to merit pay

I've been catching up on my reading this weekend and saw two blog posts about merit pay, via This Week in Education.  

It's timely for me because my school is in the process of applying for a grant to start using Q-Comp, Minnesota's version of merit pay.  Governor Pawlenty is a huge fan and has made a pool of funds available, at a time when the state is cutting funding left and right to try to balance the budget.  

We need to balance our budget too -- we can't be squeamish about things like principles.

But actually, we've found a way to do merit pay that sort of fits with our mission.  Only 10% of the pay increase is tied to test scores, and that applies to all teachers, not to any teacher in particular - so it gives us an incentive to work together.  The rest is tied to projects that teachers come up with at the beginning of the year.

For example, as a social studies teacher my project might be to design and run a class that utilizes oral history.  I write up the proposal.  If I'm successful in my stated goals, I get the extra pay bump.  Q-Comp even provides some funds for materials for my project (such as tape recorders, etc.). 

Teachers at our school who experienced Q-Comp in traditional districts and hated it are excited about doing it this way.  It's cooperative rather than competitive.  I'll keep you posted on whether we get the funding.

New YouTube clips online!

We have four new YouTube shorts from our April 30, 2008 Educational Law and Social Justice Forum, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."

Clip 1: ACLU Staff Attorney Aaron Caplan discusses the history of legal decisions leading up to the Supreme Court's 2007 decision in Morse v. Frederick, also known as the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case.

Go to the video on YouTube.

Caplan's original article, "Visions of Public Education in Morse v. Frederick," first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."

Clip 2: Whatcom Day Academy educator Vale Hartley discusses democratic practices in her classroom as part of the academy's participation in the League of Democratic Schools.

Go to the video on YouTube
Hartley's original article, "The Elementary Classroom: A Key Dimension of a Child's Democratic World" first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."

Clip 3: Western Washington University Professor Bill Lyne discusses his article "Beautiful Losers."

Go to the video
on YouTube

Lyne's original article, "Beautiful Losers" first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."

Clip 4: Our panelists respond to audience questions in a brief Q & A session.

Go to the video on YouTube

View the full forum here.

Come back in a few weeks for clips from our 2009 forum, and the latest installment in our "Talking with the Authors" series!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Review Tentang CAD

Review tentang CAD dan penjelasan tentang Desain Produk

Pengen ikutan review tentang CAD neh saya di, berbagi ilmu saya dapat dikampus uii jurusan teknik mesin. sebelum saya panjang lebar tentang CAD saya coba perkenalkan tentang sangkut pautnya tentang CAD itu sendiri yaitu tentang desain produk... promosi kampus lagi. teknik mesin uii salah satunya di yogya yang mengusung manufaktur. data ini juga saya dapat ide dari tugas akhir temen saya yg udah lulus Fajri djulkifli yg bekerja di Astra jakarta.

Desain Produk
Kemampuan ataupun aktifitas desain yang berhubungan dengan inovasi sangatlah luas, tergantung dari produk apa yang akan dihasilkan dan untuk siapa (pengguna). Inovasi dan ide-ide desain tidaklah terbatas pada awal perencanaan desain, tetapi sudah harus dipikirkan penerapannya pada kemampuan produksi yang meliputi diantaranya; pembuatan tool, jig, mold, dan sistematika desain proses produksi, yaitu kemudahan di dalam menentukan proses kerja produksi secara efisien dan ekonomis. Kecepatan perubahan rancangan produk akan dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan perkembangan teknologi, kerumitan produk dan proses, pemendekan siklus perancangan dan faktor-faktor organisasi. (Kaebernick dkk, 1997).
Pemanfaatan teknologi material juga akan berpengaruh pada proses desain maupun proses produksinya, karena hal tersebut berkaitan dengan fasilitas yang akan digunakan. (Prastyowibowo, 1999).
Sebuah desain produk akan dikatakan baik jika sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen baik dari sisi fungsi dan maupun bentuknya, mudah untuk dibuat/dilakukan proses pemesinan, murah dan dapat memberikan peluang kepada perusahaan dalam persaingan yang menguntungkan. Yang paling terpenting yaitu selalu mengedepankan konsep KIS (keep it simple). (Ulrich dan Eppinger, 1995).
Cara yang konvensional untuk mendesain cetakan berdasarkan desain dan pengembangan produk menghabiskan banyak waktu dan biaya yang mahal. Simulasi komputer bisa digunakan untuk proses pengembangan yang cepat sebelum suatu investasi penting dilakukan. (Risdiyono, 2007).

Software CAD/CAM

CAD (Computer Aided Design) dan CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) adalah suatu teknologi yang digunakan pada kegiatan desain dan produksi dengan menggunakan komputer digital. (Groover dan Zimmers, 1987).
CAD bisa diartikan sebagai sistem komputer yang digunakan untuk membantu dalam membuat, modifikasi, analisis, atau mengoptimalkan desain. Sistem komputer ini

Terdiri dari perangkat keras (hardware) dan perangkat lunak (software). (Kalpakjian dan

Schmid, 2006). Gambar dibawah ini adalah ilustrasi dari pemodelan software CAD

CAM adalah software yang digunakan untuk merencanakan, mengatur dan mengontrol operasi pada kegiatan manufaktur, seperti menentukan pahat (tools) yang akan digunakan, menentukan ketinggian benda kerja (work piece), feed rate, stepdown, stepover dan menentukan semua parameter yang akan digunakan pada saat proses pemesinan. Software CAM juga dapat mensimulasikan proses pemesinan, waktu pemesinan dan akhirnya mengirimkan data dari komputer (CAD/CAM) yang digunakan untuk mendesain ke mesin-mesin yang digunakan pada saat pemesinan hingga berakhir menjadi sebuah produk seperti yang diiliustrasikan pada gambar 2.2b di bawah ini.

Ilustrasi software CAM

silahkan link di sini untuk dapat software by DELCAM:

silahkan link di sini untuk dapat file PDF by DELCAM:

dan disini tentang teknik mesin uii:

mohon dukungannya di top global site vote pollingnya di bawah ini:

mohon dukungannya di top vote pollingnya di bawah ini:

gambar desain perhiasan menggunakkan software CAD ARTcam jewelry by Delcam :

Cara buat desain sandal menggunakkan software CAD Power Shape :

Friday, May 29, 2009

A look at Chicago schools under Duncan

also posted elsewhere

Every now and then it is useful to step back from the hype and the spin and see what people on the ground have to say about important issues. In the case of education policy, we should not forget that George Bush gave us Rod Paige and the so-called Texas Miracle (which never was) as the argument for passing into law No Child Left Behind.

Obama has chosen his basketball buddy Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education. Duncan is an exemplar of several things (1) mayoral control of the school system; (2) a non-educator put in charge of education. The track record of both is not particularly sanguine.

But rather than merely my saying so, perhaps you will take the words of someone on the ground in Chicago. Wade Tillett is a Chicago public school parent and teacher who also blogs about Chicago schools. The piece below appeared on his Bubble Over Network, the name of which comes from the ubiquitous use of bubble-in mass produced tests. I have Wade's permission to reproduce the entire piece, and I will add a few comments of my own at the end.

Flunk, retain, drop out

Written by Wade on May 27th, 2009

Soon scores from a small portion of the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) will come back.
The booklet sent out with ISAT says “No person or organization shall make a decision about a student or educator on the basis of a single test.” (1)
Despite this, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) trusts this test to override our own teachers in deciding the future of our children.
For third, sixth and eighth graders, our promotion policy automatically flunks at least one in four children based on a thirty or forty question test. (2)
At the end of summer school, CPS is five times more likely to retain a child for the next year if they are African-American than if they are white. (3)
By retaining a student, CPS increases that child’s chance of dropping out by 29%. (4)
Chicago Public Schools spends $100 million dollars every year on this policy. (5)
Extensive research shows that it DOES NOT WORK. Repeating a grade does not help children succeed. (4)
Why do we continue to threaten eight-year-olds and tell third-graders they are failures? Why do we make students cry, throw-up, and finally quit?
Chicago Public Schools should use the $100 million it spends every year on holding back kids to instead provide what students really need: caring professionals with the time and resources to find out what works for each of them. Our children need advocates, not inflexible policies spit out of a machine.
CPS should stop using standardized test scores to override all other considerations in making student grade promotion decisions. I encourage anyone who agrees to sign the petition. And I encourage other parents to contact Parents United for Responsible Education if your child is forced to go to summer school.

1. 2009 ISBE ISAT Professional Testing Practices for Educators booklet

2. CPS policy sends any student below the 24th percentile to summer school.



5. $10,000 per student per year times approximately 10,000 students retained

Here's what is scary. Chicago is the model for what Duncan wants to do to American education. What has been done in Chicago since Richie Daley got mayoral control of the schools, first under Paul Vallas (who also imposed his "magic" on Philadelphia and New Orleans, but who is really interested in elective public office) and then under his one-time assistant Arne Duncan, has NOT addressed issues like the achievement gap that plagues poor, minority students. There is extensive evidence in the peer-reviewed literature of the negative consequences of retention, and that is without even considering the scope of retention system-wide in Chicago. The use of one-shot high-stakes multiple choice tests - which may or may not truly be standardized - to make the determination of who is retained is contrary to what the psychometricians responsible for the creation of the tests say is appropriate use of their tests.

The idea that anyone at below the 24th percentile is automatically required to attend summer school is also troublesome, unless there is an independent determination that at such a level the student is unable to function at the appropriate level for the next grade. It seems like an arbitrary cutoff without sufficient justification. Even if one presumes that the test is an accurate measurement of meaningful skills and knowledge, by that rationale we are assuming that just under 1/4 of all of our students are not succeeding sufficiently in regular school settings. If that is true, perhaps the answer is to address the deficiencies in the schooling received during the school year. Of course, the track record in Chicago has been instead to reconstitute troublesome schools, then not include their performance in the evaluation of the system on grounds that it is a "new school" so comparison with previous years' test scores is meaningless. Thus the Chicago Public Schools mask the lack of progress under many years of mayoral control.

That we are doing this to relatively young children, marking a significant portion as failures early in the school career is an abomination - the failure is not theirs, it is ours, all of us, for allowing this to occur.

I will not attempt to rationalize the disparate impact of these policies by race. Wade points that out clearly.

Testing, then analyzing test results and applying punitive sanctions has not yet proven successful within cities and state nor across the nation. While some advocates of the NCLB approach brag on "improved" scores at the elementary level in NAEP (the National Assessment of Educational Progress), such improvement is tenuous at best. The amount of improvement at the elementary level is less than in the previous cycle, that previous cycle having covered a period most of which occurred before NCLB. There is no improvement demonstrated at the upper grades. And even in the lower grades, the so-called achievement gap has not closed - minority children still lag behind as they did before - for this it is worth remembering that the ostensible purpose of NCLB was to close those gaps, to ensure that poor and minority children were not shortchanged on their education.

People in Chicago have been trying to warn the rest of us since before Obama became a candidate for president. Parents United for Responsible Education (PURE) has done yeoman's work in documenting the real story behind the supposed success of the various initiatives in Chicago.

Wade Tillett's piece is but one of a series of alarums to which we should pay heed. As Arne Duncan continues on his listening tour around the nation, people should be prepared to challenge him on the real record in Chicago.

In the last presidency we learned how badly our nation's educational system could be damaged by propagating a failed model. I fear we confront a similar challenge right now.

Learn, and then speak out, for the future of our public schools.


A look at Chicago schools under Duncan

also posted elsewhere

Every now and then it is useful to step back from the hype and the spin and see what people on the ground have to say about important issues. In the case of education policy, we should not forget that George Bush gave us Rod Paige and the so-called Texas Miracle (which never was) as the argument for passing into law No Child Left Behind.

Obama has chosen his basketball buddy Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education. Duncan is an exemplar of several things (1) mayoral control of the school system; (2) a non-educator put in charge of education. The track record of both is not particularly sanguine.

But rather than merely my saying so, perhaps you will take the words of someone on the ground in Chicago. Wade Tillett is a Chicago public school parent and teacher who also blogs about Chicago schools. The piece below appeared on his Bubble Over Network, the name of which comes from the ubiquitous use of bubble-in mass produced tests. I have Wade's permission to reproduce the entire piece, and I will add a few comments of my own at the end.

Flunk, retain, drop out

Written by Wade on May 27th, 2009

Soon scores from a small portion of the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) will come back.
The booklet sent out with ISAT says “No person or organization shall make a decision about a student or educator on the basis of a single test.” (1)
Despite this, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) trusts this test to override our own teachers in deciding the future of our children.
For third, sixth and eighth graders, our promotion policy automatically flunks at least one in four children based on a thirty or forty question test. (2)
At the end of summer school, CPS is five times more likely to retain a child for the next year if they are African-American than if they are white. (3)
By retaining a student, CPS increases that child’s chance of dropping out by 29%. (4)
Chicago Public Schools spends $100 million dollars every year on this policy. (5)
Extensive research shows that it DOES NOT WORK. Repeating a grade does not help children succeed. (4)
Why do we continue to threaten eight-year-olds and tell third-graders they are failures? Why do we make students cry, throw-up, and finally quit?
Chicago Public Schools should use the $100 million it spends every year on holding back kids to instead provide what students really need: caring professionals with the time and resources to find out what works for each of them. Our children need advocates, not inflexible policies spit out of a machine.
CPS should stop using standardized test scores to override all other considerations in making student grade promotion decisions. I encourage anyone who agrees to sign the petition. And I encourage other parents to contact Parents United for Responsible Education if your child is forced to go to summer school.

1. 2009 ISBE ISAT Professional Testing Practices for Educators booklet

2. CPS policy sends any student below the 24th percentile to summer school.



5. $10,000 per student per year times approximately 10,000 students retained

Here's what is scary. Chicago is the model for what Duncan wants to do to American education. What has been done in Chicago since Richie Daley got mayoral control of the schools, first under Paul Vallas (who also imposed his "magic" on Philadelphia and New Orleans, but who is really interested in elective public office) and then under his one-time assistant Arne Duncan, has NOT addressed issues like the achievement gap that plagues poor, minority students. There is extensive evidence in the peer-reviewed literature of the negative consequences of retention, and that is without even considering the scope of retention system-wide in Chicago. The use of one-shot high-stakes multiple choice tests - which may or may not truly be standardized - to make the determination of who is retained is contrary to what the psychometricians responsible for the creation of the tests say is appropriate use of their tests.

The idea that anyone at below the 24th percentile is automatically required to attend summer school is also troublesome, unless there is an independent determination that at such a level the student is unable to function at the appropriate level for the next grade. It seems like an arbitrary cutoff without sufficient justification. Even if one presumes that the test is an accurate measurement of meaningful skills and knowledge, by that rationale we are assuming that just under 1/4 of all of our students are not succeeding sufficiently in regular school settings. If that is true, perhaps the answer is to address the deficiencies in the schooling received during the school year. Of course, the track record in Chicago has been instead to reconstitute troublesome schools, then not include their performance in the evaluation of the system on grounds that it is a "new school" so comparison with previous years' test scores is meaningless. Thus the Chicago Public Schools mask the lack of progress under many years of mayoral control.

That we are doing this to relatively young children, marking a significant portion as failures early in the school career is an abomination - the failure is not theirs, it is ours, all of us, for allowing this to occur.

I will not attempt to rationalize the disparate impact of these policies by race. Wade points that out clearly.

Testing, then analyzing test results and applying punitive sanctions has not yet proven successful within cities and state nor across the nation. While some advocates of the NCLB approach brag on "improved" scores at the elementary level in NAEP (the National Assessment of Educational Progress), such improvement is tenuous at best. The amount of improvement at the elementary level is less than in the previous cycle, that previous cycle having covered a period most of which occurred before NCLB. There is no improvement demonstrated at the upper grades. And even in the lower grades, the so-called achievement gap has not closed - minority children still lag behind as they did before - for this it is worth remembering that the ostensible purpose of NCLB was to close those gaps, to ensure that poor and minority children were not shortchanged on their education.

People in Chicago have been trying to warn the rest of us since before Obama became a candidate for president. Parents United for Responsible Education (PURE) has done yeoman's work in documenting the real story behind the supposed success of the various initiatives in Chicago.

Wade Tillett's piece is but one of a series of alarums to which we should pay heed. As Arne Duncan continues on his listening tour around the nation, people should be prepared to challenge him on the real record in Chicago.

In the last presidency we learned how badly our nation's educational system could be damaged by propagating a failed model. I fear we confront a similar challenge right now.

Learn, and then speak out, for the future of our public schools.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Software CAD Modeling Jewelry By ArtCAM jewelsmith (DELCAM)

Software CAD medeling jewelry (desain perhiasan) menggunakkan ArtCAM jewelsmith


Delcam Plc adalah sebuah perusahaan terkemuka didunia yang memberikan solusi dalam memajukan perkembangan software CAD CAM dan perkembangan manufaktur di industri
Software Artcam merupakan software CAD modeling yang unik dan merupakan CNC CAM machining solution. Artcam memungkinkan kita untuk menciptakan high quality products dari rancangan gambar 2D. ArtCAM juga merupakan software yang lengkap, seperti: 3D jewelry design, 3D Woodworking, 3D Sign age, 3D Engraving dan 2D CNC Routing.

ArtCAM sendiri terdiri dari 3 software unik yang dapat digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Software-software tersebut adalah:

1. ArtCAM Pro
2. ArtCAM Insignia
3. ArtCAM JewelSmith

ArtCAM Pro
Artcam Pro adalah software disain yang lengkap, dapat digunakan untuk kerajinan kayu dan signmarker yang pengerjaannya menggunakan mesin CNC .

ArtCAM Insignia
Artcam Insignia adalah bagian dari produk Artcam dan merupakan program unik yang mendukung pembuatan produk 2 dimensi berkualitas tinggi dari konsep sketsa atau gambar yang prosesnya lebih cepat dari yang anda kira.

Tampilan pada ArtCAM Insignia

ArtCAM Jewel Smith
Dengan Artcam Jewel Smith anda dapat mendesain dan memproduksi suatu produk dengan cepat dan mudah.Anda dapat berkreasi desain perhiasan. Software ini membantu anda dari proses awal, sketsa konsep, molding dan finishing.

Contoh produk yang menggunakan ArtCAM Pro

Contoh Produk Yang Menggunakan ArtCAM Insignia

Contoh Produk Yang menggunakan ArtCAM Jewel Smith

konsep dari sebuah gambar ke perhiasan

Contoh permesinan pada perhiasan

Keunggulan ArtCAM secara Garis Besar
Baik dalam permodelan relief 3D
-Desain untuk manufaktur
-Baik dalam rendering 3D
-Perangkat dan kreasit tingkat lanjut
-Mampu membuat huruf timbul, memahat dan permukaan dengan baik dan detil
-Mampu membuat profil wajah 3D dengan baik
-Manufaktur yang Presisi
-Proses Manufakturing yang Cepat, Akurat dan Mudah
-Efisiensi Kerja

Memahat dan mencetak dengan ArtCAM Pro
Artcam Pro adalah solusi software yang telah teruji untuk memahat dan mecetak suatu produk dalam dunia industri dengan spesialisasi membuat profil timbul, alat ukir cetakan, memproduksi bahan logam. ArtCAM Pro akan membuat anda bekerja lebih cepat, mudah dan produktif.
Permodelan 3D yang Baik
Artcam Pro mempermudah dalam pembuatan model 3D dan 2D dengan kualitas tinggi. Dapat membuat produk 3D dari sebuah data gambar dengan proses yang dinamis dan lembut

Proses CNC yang cepat dan akurat
Anda dapat dengan mudah memahat desain anda sendiri. Otomasi Manufakturing Artcam membuat anda berkreasi dengan mudah sampai pada proses CNC atau pemotongan dengan laser. Artcam juga dilengkapi dengan alat cetakan, pross finishing dll. Menekan biaya produksi, menaikkan keuntungan yang disertai dengan penghitungan cepat Artcam, akurasi peralatan 2D dan 3D, semua itu akan membuat proses permesinan anda menjadi lebih mudah. Artcam akan memproses data masukan anda lalu menghitungnya kemudian meneruskannya ke mesin CNC.

silahkan link di sini untuk dapat softwarenya:

silahkan link di sini untuk dapat file PDF:

teknik mesin uii:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Berbagi award untuk sahabat

Dapat award yang ke3 dari mas agoes di terima kasih dah menjalin persahabatan lewat blog ini. dari pada panjang lebar dan untuk mempersingkat waktu.

my award yg ke3

saya akan berikan awadr ini ke 10 sahabat saya.
  1. -mas amri
  2. -mba irma
  3. -sholeh
  4. -lusalary
  7. mbahjack
  8. mas eri
  9. mas marcell
  10. bunda reni
semoga kepada 10 sahabat diatas bisa menjalin persahabatan dan silahturahmi

- kata award berantai ini award ini wajib diposting ulang dan
- diberikan kepada 10 sahabat lagi
- dan 10 sahabat penerima award wajib dikabarin.

salam silahturahmi

Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, June 2009

The June issue of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications has appeared, and it contains a number of interesting articles:

Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, June 2009

The June issue of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications has appeared, and it contains a number of interesting articles:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If Only.

Senior Prank Somehow Leaves High School With Increased Math Funding

MAY 21, 2009 | ISSUE 45•21

TEXARKANA, TX—A prank in which seniors at West Texarkana High arrived for first-period classes with their shirts and pants on backward has somehow resulted in a $50,000 increase in funding for the school's math program, bewildered administrators announced today. "We'd like to thank the state superintendent, I guess, and also the fine folks at Texas Instruments for all those brand-new graphing calculators," vice principal Ed Guerrero said during his morning announcements. "I'd send everyone home and make them change, but maybe we should wait and see whether our computer lab gets remodeled first." The incident comes on the heels of last year's district championship by the debate team, after which the school's football program mysteriously had its entire budget cut.

Everyday Objects Used Nationwide

Today a request came in from Maplewood, Minnesota for a set of our Everday Objects poster series. Everyday Objects ($20/set) consists of a set of twelve 8.5 x 11" double-sided posters. Each poster features an artifact and the story of either the object or the person who obtained the object. The set is ideal for use in classrooms as an activity or display. It is an invaluable resource as students learn about the Holocaust using primary sources.

This poster set is used not only in classrooms, but in community centers, churches, synagogues, and libraries. It is always exciting to know that our resources and the Everyday Objects posters are being used and sought-after in all regions of the United States--including in Alaska, Georgia, New Jersey, and now Minnesota!

Kumpulan award dari sahabat Bloger

Terima kasih semua sahabat bloger yg udah mendukung dan masih menjalin persahabatan didunia maya. semoga makin erat dan bisa menjadi keluarga didunia maya. sayang template saya biasa aja jadi rencana mau nyusun award biar lebih manis n rapi aja tampilannya.

1. dari sahabat bloger bunda dari award pertama 14 mei 2009. terima kasih bunda atas awardnya.

award perdana dalam ngeblog

2. dari mas amri dapat award yang kedua tanggal 24 mei.

3. dari mas agoes3 namanya terima kasih dah berbagi.

4. yang keempat dari mas tova ada tasyakuran di terima kasih mas.

5. alhamdulillah dapat dari tika terima kasih.

6. Award dari Sahabat Fbycom


7. dari mas agoes

selanjutnya apa yah?... blum taw neh. rencana saya mau cb kumpulin disini aja.

semoga dari ngeblog ini manfaat yg didapat dan positif lebih banyak serta lebih luasnya pengetahuan... matur suwun..

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ready for Your Teacher Certification - Download Pedoman Sertifikasi Guru

There are many things to keep in mind when one is going for their teacher certification. For one thing, a person needs to be prepared to go to school for many years. Also, although getting teachers certification is useful for most places, some places are only looking for certain types of teachers or teachers with specific types of certification. Another thing to keep in mind is that some jobs are available to people who do not have their certification but can get it while working.

A person going to school to get their teacher certification needs to be prepared for many years of schooling. There is of course the normal amount of school a person usually has in mind, four years of high school followed by four years of college. On top of all of that, a person usually wants to have a degree in more than just education. A science teacher needs a degree in some sort of science along with an education degree. Teacher certification is really just the tip of the education ice burg. There are all sorts of certificates open to the many different candidates. Many of these certificates have different time requirements as well.

Another thing to think about before getting teacher certification is where one wants that certification to be valid. Every state has different requirements and different certificates. They are not always valid between states. If a person is just starting out applying for schools, then one needs to make sure that he or she is applying to schools that accept the type of certification that he or she has. Also, one needs to do some research before completing certification on which states are looking for which types of teachers. If a prospective teacher has a specialty in science, then he or she needs to look for what states are looking for science teachers and get teacher certification for that state.

There are also many programs that offer teacher certification as part of a job. Not all jobs require their teachers to have certification. There may be certain certificates that a program needs for its employees so instead of requiring the certificate on hire it instead helps people to get it while working. Many schools are short on science and math teachers. As long as a person has a degree in one of those fields, a school system can offer him or her a job. The job may require a person to have a permanent teaching certificate, but may have a temporary certificate available as well for the possibility of teacher shortages.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ditch the Homework!

According to educator Alfie Kohn, author of The Homework Myth, multiple educational studies have found that contrary to our currently accepted thinking about schooling, “all empirical evidence dispels the notion that there is any causal relationship between compulsory homework and increased student achievement. And yet parents and schools attempt to find justifications for its value.” Compulsory homework for students is rarely questioned by school personnel, parents or students. The assumption is that homework is good for you and more is even better.

The idea that homework must be assigned is a premise that is rarely examined by the school establishment or parents. Why should it be explored?

  • There is sufficient empirical and practical evidence that homework actually detracts from the concept of quality work.
  • Most kids deplore receiving homework and it tends to detract from developing curiosity and a love of learning.
  • Teachers complain about the lack of compliance they get from students in completing homework. This reality typically creates an oppositional pattern with students.
  • Parents complain about the way in which homework prevents their children from engaging in family-related activities, but rarely inform the school of their concern.
  • Parents feel pressured to involve themselves in directly instructing their children over content they know little about. Invariably, this issue creates power-struggles at home.
  • There is no evidence that spending more time on schoolwork or homework actually leads to increased achievement. The issue of quality taking precedence over quantity is missed.
  • Homework puts enormous stress on students as they try to balance various activities in their life.
  • Schools are providing homework to students at earlier ages, starting with worksheets in kindergarten and pre-school.

According to William Glasser, psychiatrist, educational consultant and author of The Quality School, the way to solve the homework problem is to drastically reduce compulsory homework and emphasize the importance of quality class work. Students should be taught to evaluate their own work and be given the opportunity to raise their grades by improving it. Students should be encouraged to take their work home to re-evaluate its quality and most students would do this without question.

Currently, most students do homework because they are supposed to, not because they want to or consider the work meaningful or relevant to their experience. Compulsory homework promotes a climate in which students, parents and teachers lose respect for the educational system. Coercive approaches to gain compliance generally spike, and the opportunity to promote quality work is undermined.

Although the merits of compulsory homework are questionable, student can easily be persuaded to do meaningful homework as an extension of classroom work. For example, students can finish uncompleted assignments or improve classroom work. They may also do tasks such as interviewing people regarding careers, watch educational television programs associated with school themes, do research within the community, volunteer service to the community, or play educational games with family members. There are many enjoyable experiences and games that involve reasoning, problem-solving and logic that may be valuable learning resources.

Schools need to promote academic programs to reflect quality. As psychiatrist William Glasser indicates, quality may be hard to define, “but teachers and students tend to know what it looks like when they see it.” It certainly is not the rote, meaningless, irrelevant busy work that students currently receive in many of our schools. As administrators, school board members and teachers re-evaluate their curriculum and add meaningful, purposeful tasks to the learning experience, quality work will emerge. Students will be more willing to “buy-in” to a program where quality work is the norm, not the exception. Once quality work becomes a commitment and is established in the schools, students will be more likely to adhere to non-compulsory learning experiences that can be accomplished at home.

Author: James P. Krehbiel is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Nationally Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist. His first book, Stepping Out of the Bubble is available at He specializes in working with children and adults experiencing anxiety and depressive disorders. He is the Shrink Rap columnist for, an upscale news and entertainment resource located in NYC. He has published numerous counseling-related articles, most available via Google searches. He can be reached at:

Membuar Border Style dengan CSS

Belajar css memang sangat menyenangkan, kali ini saya coba berikan sedikit tips dalam membuat border blog. Mungkin ada yang belum mengetahui ragam atau jenis border, padahal ada banyak jenis border yang bisa di gunakan untuk mempercantik tulisan atau blog. Dibawah ini ada beberapa daftar jenis border yang bisa sobat gunakan untuk mengganti border sidebar atau main post blog.

  • border-style: dotted

  • border-style: solid

  • border-style: groove

  • border-style: inset

  • border-style: dashed

  • border-style: double

  • border-style: ridge

  • border-style: outset

Berikut ini contoh macam style border yang paling diminati :

Border-style: dotted

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px dotted #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Tulisan Sobat di sini



Tulisan Sobat di sini

Border-style: solid

Scriptnya :

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Preview  :

Tulisan Sobat di sini
Border-style: dashed

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px dashed #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Tulisan Sobat di sini


Preview :

Tulisan Sobat di sini


Border-style: groove

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px groove #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini


 preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Border-style: double

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px double #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini

 preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Border-style: inset

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px inset #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini

 Preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Border-style: outset

Scriptnya :

<div style="border:5px outset #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini

 Preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Border-style: ridge

Script  :

<div style="border:5px ridge #08088A; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini


 Preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Border Mix 
Scriptnya :

<div style="border-style:dotted  dashed double outset; border-color:red orange blue purple; border-width:5px; background:#FFF; width:500px; padding:20px">

Text Sobat Di Sini


Preview  :

Text Sobat Di Sini

Note   :

  • border:5px adalah tebal dari border.

  • #08088A adalah kode untuk warna biru

  • width:500px adalah lebar dari kotak.

  • padding:20px adalah jarak antara tulisan dengan border.

  • background:#FFF adalah warna latar.

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