The May issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics has been published. This issue contains four scientific articles and a book review:

- Acquisition and use of shortcut strategies by traditionally schooled children, by Joke Torbeyns, Bert De Smedt, Pol Ghesquière and Lieven Verschaffel
- From arithmetical thought to algebraic thought: The role of the “variable”, by Elsa Malisani and Filippo Spagnolo
- The relationship between performance on mathematical word problems and language proficiency for students learning through the medium of Irish, by Máire Ní Ríordáin and John O’Donoghue
- Teachers’ emergent goals in spreadsheet-based lessons: analyzing the complexity of technology integration, by Jean-Baptiste Lagrange and Emel Ozdemir Erdogan
- Book review: mathematics classrooms in twelve countries, Clarke, D., Keitel, C., & Shimizu, Y. (Eds.). (2006). Mathematics classrooms in twelve countries: The insider’s perspective. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
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