The CEC 21 meeting was a shambles. Although it was supposed to be a regular cec meeting it was primarily a proposal co location meeting. many people did not get the time to speak, because one speaker representing CIP (Coney Island Prep) made some references of the 303 children not sharing with others and also she said that making this co-location is like the little rock 9. These comments were unnecessary and not true which almost started a riot. The school is multicultural and her "pulling the race card" was way, way out of line.The superintendent was scared after that and closed the meeting. The turnout was so big they had to turn people away. Public Hearing is today at Lincoln HS.
The CEO/Director of CIP has gone on record as saying the following:
"I came to Coney Island because it was the only place in the city that did not have a charter." He taught for a few years in Jersey before becoming this CEO/DIrector. Told administrators at PS 303 that he would be willing to pay rent so that principals in the school would have extra money to deal with budget cuts (what a guy). Many parents do not like the school but their children do. They brainwash the kids and use money as incentives. Parents were furious when the CEO/Director told them he may move the school outside of the Coney Island area. He wants his school to go from 5th grade through the 12th grade.
Some You Tube Videos of the CEC 21 March meeting regarding Co-Location Charter Proposal at 303.
While the UFT has often been absent in co-loco battles, having their own co-loco charters, UFT District 21 Rep Judy Gerowitz has been involved in every charter school fray in District 21 and 22, fighting the good fight.
Here is the CEC 21 resolution opposing the charter:
· 521 West Avenue, Room 446, Brooklyn, NY 11224 Tel: (718) 714-2503 Fax: (718) 714-2615 Email:
· Members: Yoketing Eng, President · Mohammad Akram, 1st Vice President · Julius Bowens, 2nd Vice President · Marla Edmonson, Recording Secretary · Stuart Handman, Treasurer, Brooklyn Borough President Appointee · Dionne Hastings · Dr. Tim Law, Brooklyn Borough President Appointee ·
Evangelean Pugh, Sandra Rodolico, Marianne Russo
· Administrative Assistant: Mary Montemarano
· Community Superintendent: Isabel DiMola District Family Advocate: Lottie Dobson-Shannon Administrative Assistant: Diane Novarro
Room 351 Fax: (718)714-2616 Tel: (718) 714-2505 Tel: (718) 714-2502
WHEREAS, the K303 building is already occupied by three separate school communities, including I.S. 303K, RCHS and 771K; and
WHEREAS, the addition of 270 students from Coney Island Prep presents a hazardous situation for the current students of I.S. 303K, Rachel Carson High School (RCHS) and 771K; and
WHEREAS the current construction of the I.S. 303K facility is not designed to safely support the existence of four separate school populations; and
WHEREAS, the current design and placement of school facilities, specifically the student cafeteria and gymnasiums, does not support the safe passing of several hundred students from different schools at one time; and
WHEREAS, the school facilities that are expected to be shared with Coney Island Prep are already fully utilized throughout the school day; and
WHEREAS, I.S. 303K implements a unique instructional model that includes self – contained classes on the 6th and 7th grades to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of their students; and
WHEREAS, I.S. 303K students continue to benefit from their school’s current instructional design, and all members of the school community, including parents, teachers, School Leadership Team members and students, continue to fully support the current self contained model; and
WHEREAS, the above – referenced instructional model was included in the I.S. 303K’s Restructuring Plan that was submitted to the NYSED for the 2005 – 2006 school year; and
WHEREAS, the Educational Impact Statement (EIS) drafted by the Office of Portfolio Planning (OPP) proposed the termination of the I.S. 303K’s current self – contained model and has suggested that I.S. 303K reconfigure it’s educational plan to revert back to the traditional middle school footprint, despite the success of it’s current program; and
WHEREAS, the change of instructional programming proposed by the Office of Portfolio Planning contradicts the NYC Mayor’s and Chancellor’s vision of empowerment for school principals; and
WHEREAS, the OPP has indicated that Coney Island Prep can be allocated as many as eighteen classrooms (15 classrooms from I.S. 303K and 3 classrooms from RCHS); and
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Community Education Council District 21 (CEC 21) is concerned about one thing, the children of this community and giving them the education that they deserve. I.S. 303 has undergone dramatic educational restructuring to better meet the needs of the students from our community. These students continue to thrive as a result of the strong educational initiatives and vision of this school. I.S. 303 has built a strong bond with the community that embraces what they do everyday on their children’s behalf. The progress and performance of students in I.S. 303K, RCHS and P177K will be impeded by the co-location of Coney Island Prep; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the DOE must work to ensure that students and families in every community have high- quality educational options; and
Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.
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