- Updated and global standard academic programs;
- Rich faculty members to prepare students for future leadership and service in multicultural, global and technological societies;
- Continuation of creating possible better facilities for students;
- Greater emphasis on student success beyond the wall of Stamford;
- Expected scholarly contribution in the area of instruction, research, creative expression and service;
- Continuing development and expansion in all areas and effort to develop partnerships on all-important levels;
- Continuous review of the factors involved in new directions;
- Locating problems in different areas and keep on renovating it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Stamford University Bangladesh Admission Circular Spring 2011

"Please be reminded that the vertical files are not to be used for storing your hair rollers, old cans of half-used Aqua Net, mascara, and other beauty supplies. For that, please use your pink Caboodles that you got at Miss Teen USA 1988's yard sale!

The new Mister Nicaragua 2010 is Yasser Baldelomar, 25, of Granada. Topping six other guys, the gorgeous lawyer won the title on December 3. Also, yummy Yasser won the titles of Míster Fashionista, Mejor Cuerpo (we can see that!), and Mejor Sonrisa.
Miss Tourism International 2010 is Miss Netherlands Nathalie Den Dekker, 21. She won the coveted title just yesterday, during a glittering New Year's Eve gala celebration in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Miss Australia Holly Anne Visser was first runner-up. Miss Venezuela Stephany Gonzalez, Miss Philippines Barbara Salvador, and Miss Mongolia Borgoljin Bayarsaikhan rounded out Nathalie's court of honor.
Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)-Seat Plan for 2010-11 Session Admission Test
Universities of a country are the place where the leaders of a nation are created. A university is the highest place of education where the students find the world class education and a door to enter the world of immense success. And the world is heading towards a new destination of science and technology. As why science and technology universities play vital role to create the quality graduates. These graduates will be the key of nation. To build a high quality society the Engineers and Technologist have to give their best.
Noakhali Science and Technology University was established with immense hope for maintaining the high quality education. Since its establishment, it is running without any session jam and student politics. This University family is fully determined to gain its ultimate goal of success.
PLUR 2011

UFT/AFT Long Time Support for Shutting Down Schools
* “I don’t think having money out as a carrot is going to work.” — Feldman on merit pay.
Don't think for a minute Feldman or Shanker would have opposed the various merit pay schemes floated through MulGarten.
Then head on over to Norms Notes and re-read the Newsweek Gate-Weingarten piece and tell me which side the UFT/AFT is on. Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten
Afterburn: Mike's EIA archive also had this tidbit.
* Linda Darling-Hammond of the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future:
Her stance on alternative forms of teacher certification caused some controversy among the crowd. Terming these programs “education lite,” Darling-Hammond claimed they “keep salaries low and use teacher education as the cash cows to fund the law school and the engineering school.” Her view angered many proponents of alternative certification, particularly those who were holding a workshop at the conference to introduce their programs to the participants.
Happy New Year, ya'll.
How to meet me in Denver
I look forward to seeing you!
Kisah "Perahu Nabi Nuh" di Lampulo

Liputan6.com, Banda Aceh: Pagi itu, becak motor yang membawa dua penumpang melaju santai di ruas jalan menuju tempat pendaratan ikan Lampulo, Kota Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aveh Darussalam. Di sisi kiri jalan, puluhan unit kapal ikan bersandar di dermaga kayu pinggir Sungai (Krueng) Aceh yang airnya bewarna kecoklat-coklatan.
Beberapa nelayan yang bertelanjang dada asyik merajut jaring di atas kapal. Tidak ada aktivitas kapal berlayar di Krueng Aceh pada Ahad, 26 Desember 2010.
"Pak, kenapa tidak ada boat berlayar pagi ini, lazimnya aktivitas nelayan yang pulang atau pergi melaut untuk menangkap ikan pada pagi hari seperti di daerah lain," tanya penumpang becak motor yang mengaku dari Jakarta dan tengah mengisi liburan akhir tahun di Banda Aceh.
"Hari ini, para nelayan seluruh Aceh tidak melaut untuk mengenang kembali peristiwa tsunami enam tahun silam," kata Usman, pengemudi becak motor itu.
Mata wisatawan itu tertuju pada sebuah rumah yang di atasnya terdapat seunit perahu tidak beda dengan boat-boat yang bersandar di TPI Lampulo tersebut. "Kapal nelayan yang ada di atas rumah warga itu merupakan salah satu bukti tsunami dan orang-orang menyebutnya sebagai `perahu Nabi Nuh` yang terhempas gelombang laut enam tahun silam," kata Usman.

Saksi enam tahun lalu menyebutkan, 59 warga di atas kapal ikan nelayan yang terhempas ke daratan terselamatkan saat tsunami, 26 Desember 2004. Dan kisah para korban tsunami itu tertuang dalam sebuah buku saku yang ditulis oleh 10 dari 59 orang yang menjadi penumpang perahu nelayan tersebut, enam tahun silam. Buku saku itu berjudul Mereka Bersaksi.
Abasiah, salah seorang korban selamat, mengisahkan, saat tsunami menjangkau permukimannya di Lampulo dengan ketinggian lebih dari satu meter, tiba-tiba perahu nelayan itu muncul di hadapannya. "Waktu itu, kami sekeluarga yang masih berada di dalam rumah langsung ke luar, dan tanpa pikir panjang memanjat kapal yang sudah berada di hadapan kami," katanya.
Karena air laut yang mencapai daratan terus meninggi, sebagian warga keluar melalui atas rumah untuk mencapai kapal nelayan itu. "Itu kapal bersejarah dan telah banyak warga terselamatkan dari tsunami," kata Abasiah.
Abasiah, warga Lampulo yang rumahnya berdekatan dengan TPI itu menceritakan awal "perahu Nabi Nuh" tersebut bertengger di atas atap rumah permanen miliknya. "Awalnya, saya mengira perahu itu sengaja didatangkan untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang dari amukan air laut menerjang permukiman penduduk," katanya.
Di dalam rumah permanen yang kini masih bersemayam "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu, Abasiah tidak sendiri ketika tsunami sebab ada anak-anaknya yaitu Agin, Ghazi, Thoriq, Zalfa, dan seorang putri angkatnya, Yanti.
"Dari jendela lantai atas, saya melihat banyak boat ikan yang hanyut di depan rumah dengan kecepatan tinggi, seperti mobil-mobilan yang ditarik mundur lalu dilepaskan," ujar Abasiah.
Abasiah mengisahkan, saat itu mereka yang berada di lantai dua bangunan rumahnya, terus berdoa dan berzikir seraya saling meminta maaf karena "akan berakhirnya sebuah kehidupan". "Waktu itu tidak ada tangis, tapi wajah-wajah ketakutan sambil terus berdoa dan berzikir berharap hanya ada pertolongan dari Allah, jika memang kami masih diberi kesempatan untuk hidup," katanya.
Setelah semuanya berada di atas "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu, Abasiah dan orang-orang lainnya terus mengaji, berdoa, berzikir kepada Allah, selain menyaksikan kehancuran akibat diamuk tsunami, 26 Desember 2004. "Kami melihat kapal cepat yang membawa penumpang Pulau Sabang-Banda Aceh tidak bisa berlabuh dan helikopter terbang di atas," katanya.
Saksi peristiwa tsunami lain, Samsuddin Mahmud, mengaku bahwa ia dan beberapa orang tetangga merupakan rombongan pertama yang naik ke atas "perahu Nabi Nuh" itu. "Awalnya kami mengira bahwa perahu ini sengaja didatangkan oleh `malaikat` untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang," kisahnya.
Sebelum menaiki perahu itu, Samsuddin yang sudah berada di lantai dua rumah tetangganya mengaku ketinggian di lantai tersebut lebih satu meter dan bewarna hitam pekat. "Ketika saya sudah berada di lantai dua rumah milik tetangga, air sudah sebahu. Kemudian, tiba-tiba terlihat perahu itu dan kami langsung berebut menaikinya," katanya.
Kisah korban selamat lainnya, Erlina Mariana Rosada Sari, mengisahkan bahwa sewaktu dalam boat tersebut, sempat gelombang laut silih berganti menerjang daratan dan dalam waktu bersamaan guncangan gempa masih terasa. "Orang-orang di dalam perahu ini terus mengumandangkan azan dan berdoa. Hanya doa dan zikir yang bisa kami lakukan saat tsunami itu," katanya.
Erlina menyatakan, dari atas perahu itu menyaksikan rumahnya luluh-lantak dan daratan tanpa bekas karena sudah dipenuhi air keruh. Ibarat hamparan lautan yang luas.
"Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang tidak lagi berlayar dan tetap tegak bersandar di atas atap rumah Abasiah di gampong Lampulo. Bahkan, tidak bertuan. Kini, tempat itu dijadikan sebagai salah satu aset wisata peninggalan tsunami.
"Perahu itu menjadi salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki makna sebagai peringatan Allah, karena dengan melihat ini orang bisa berpikir tentang kekuasaan Sang Maha Pencipta yang tiada tara," kata Wakil Walikota Banda Aceh Illiza Sa`aduddin Djamal.
"Rumah boat" atau "Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang berjarak sekitar dua kilometer dari pusat Kota Banda Aceh itu saat ini menjadi objek wisata yang menarik bagi wisatawan. Tidak hanya warga nusantara, tapi juga turis asing. Selain menyaksikan bukti fisik, para wisatawan juga bisa mendengarkan kisah-kisah unik dan ajaib dari peristiwa tsunami enam tahun silam dari korban selamat di "Rumoh Boat" atau "Perahu Nabi Nuh" itu.
Keusyik (Kades) Gampong Lampulo Alta Zaini mengatakan, warganya sudah siap menerima wisatawan yang akan berkunjung ke situs tsunami tersebut. "Perahu Nabi Nuh" yang kini bersemayam di lantai dua rumah Abasiah itu memiliki sekitar 18 meter, berkonstruksi kayu, dan kini telah dibangun tangga untuk mencapai bagian dalam boat tersebut.(ANT/SHA)
yahoo news.
New Year's Eve Links
1. Tyler Cowen post on Economics and Mental Health Care
2. Danny McCoy (IBEC) and Paul Sweeney (ICTU) on rebuilding the Irish Economy in todays' ITimes.
3. Dan O'Brien on the economic situation heading into 2011.
4. Alan Matthews post on Irish financial sector imbalances.
5. Via MR, a hypothesis as to why the East side of cities are poorer
6. Krugman on why Ireland is like Nevada
7. Freakonomics on a new website called www.GiveItBackforJobs.org that allows people to donate their Bush-era tax cuts to organisations promoting jobs growth
Bertie Ahern's Farewell Speech
It is difficult to see the near to mid-future changing the assessments of either his role in the North or his finances to any great degree. It is unlikely that any major piece of news will suddenly show that he had no problems at all with who was financing him and why; and likewise even if things in the North became hairy again, it could never fully dampen the massive difference between the atmosphere prior to the settlement and the one prevailing for the last several years.
The economic and social legacies of his three administrations will be one of the most contested topics in Irish economic history for the forseeable future. It should be said that the period of prosperity that is often given the label "The Celtic Tiger" is largely agreed to have started in the early 90s before Ahern's first administration so it is another question as to who and what started the Celtic Tiger. The main question for Ahern is how his three administrations managed this historic opportunity.
By 1997 when Ahern first became Taoiseach, the Irish economy had already become one of the most vibrant in the history of the world and it continued apace during the first Ahern administration. The main worry from the 1997 to 2002 period was continued inflation partly fueled by interest rates that were too low, public sector pay agreements and an aggressive finance minister (Charlie McCreevy) who famously summed up his approach to fiscal policy with the phrase "if I have it I'll spend it". While the government did begin to amass a pension reserve fund and kept debt and deficits within Maastricht parameters, the failure to more agressively hedge the economy against potential future shocks surely will go down in history as a missed opportunity. Those who argue that economists only talk after the collapse should look at Philip Lane's output from around this time period. Not only was Philip writing theoretical work on what happens countries that get suddenly rich and the dangers therein, he was also pointing to very practical solutions for a country like Ireland such as building up a strong non-politicised pension fund and also amassing a rainy day fund e.g. this paper from 1998 is about as clear a policy recommendation as it possible for an economist to make.
Having said that, had Ahern resigned in 2002 (which wasn't on the cards) I think he would not have too much to worry about in terms of an economic legacy. Despite the inflationary pressures building up, most analysts believe that the economic growth experienced in Ireland during the first Ahern administration was still "real" in the sense of being driven by improvements in core economic activity. However, the second administration from 2002 to 2007 will be scrutinised for many years for a definitive account of how one of the world's most successful economies was left so completely vulnerable to a financial sector shock and then so completely wiped out by it. Ahern was leader, of course, through this period and he replaced his long-serving finance minister Charlie McCreevy with the current Taoiseach in 2004, meaning that Cowen began as finance minister as glaring financial vulnerabilities were becoming apparent. It is clear that something very dramatic took place in the Irish financial system during this period. The curve showing the amount Irish banks were borrowing from external institutions was practically vertical from 2004 to 2008 with much of this money ploughed into increasingly unviable property developments (see graph below from Honohan 2009), exposing the banking system to a potentially crippling reliance on the performance of domestic property loans. Morgan Kelly's VOX piece summarises what was happening at the time and it really does look shocking. Honohan's 2009 paper Resolving Ireland's banking crisis is more diplomatic in tone but equally hair-raising.
Most official commentators at the time were warning that the Irish economy had become too reliant on property taxes and some commentators were pointing out the reckless nature of some of the lending. In my view (and happy to take contrary views) nobody clearly and emphatically stated that the Irish banking system was so fragile due to the nature of its lending activities that it risked total collapse until Morgan Kelly's prophetic contributions from 2006 onwards. Kelly's original contributions led to one of Ahern's low points where he muttered that he didn't know how people with Kelly's view didn't commit suicide. Ascertaining who was at fault for the very sorry state the banks found themselves in by the time Ahern's third government took power in 2007 will fill many volumes nationally and internationally perhaps for centuries to come. By the time the full extent of the calamity began to be fully publicly acknowledged in late 2008, Ahern was out of the picture with his finance minister now assuming leadership. A sympathetic historian might remark that more prudent banking policies following Ahern's departure (such as immediately nationalising Anglo and offering debt-equity swaps to subordinated bondholders in the other banks) would have contained the damage caused by policies during his reign. Also, they might note that much of the damage could have been contained during Ahern's second and third administrations had a strong regulator noticed that the Irish banks were going crazy. But whatever your view on that, the culture of property, politics, banking and investment that Ahern was the figurehead for will unlikely come to be viewed positively and it is hard to see any assessment of the 2002 to 2008 period as it being anything other than a national financial failure of sizeable proportions. What is less clear is how the overall financial and economic performance during the Ahern years of 1997 to 2008 will be viewed. Critics will point, among other things, to the flaws in social partnerships agreements a failure to reform key public service and the failure to get to grips with educational inequalities that was masked by an artificially inflated public sector. If there is an attempt at rehabilitation, the continued strong performance of FDI into Ireland and exports, and the generally positive business environment maintained throughout the Ahern period might rescue some of his economic legacy.
In terms of the social record, while I have written a couple of papers showing that improvements in Irish subjective well-being and life satisfaction had largely stalled in the mid-1990s, I am with Ronan Lyons on the view that there are too many people exaggerating the failure to make social and health gains through the Celtic Tiger era. Life Expectancy gains among older people began to increase in 1986 and accelerated through the Celtic Tiger period with proportionate gains occurring during the Ahern years and Ronan lists a long record of other improvements in living standards that occurred during the period. Again, the extent to which any of this was due to Ahern's leadership is debatable and I doubt any econometrician would ever find an "Ahern effect" if they had enough time to mine health data-sets. But it is worth being cautious about a general public reaction against Ahern turning into a wider sense of despair about the real developments in human welfare attained in Ireland over the last 20 years. When we balance those against the ruined financial position that a lot of people have been left in as a consequence of the collapse of the property bubble and the fiscal and employment position in Ireland that threatens to leave behind a decade of stagnation, we will get someway toward evaluating the social legacy of the Ireland that Ahern was at the helm of.
Heather HigginBottom's Stale Suggestions: Same Ole Sorry Message
Heather HigginBottom, the Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, shares the latest suggestions from the White House (assess and view her comments below). She responded to a young woman who has student loan debt and four children. The young woman wrote to President Obama about her student loan debt. The note did not indicate what sort of loans she has, so that makes the message problematic. Ms. Higginbottom let her know that they are committed to making college more affordable. Wow! Great. Because we've never heard the White House talk about prospective students. Shortly after she talked about all the awesome things they're doing for future college students, Ms. Higginbottom turned to the woman's current situation. She encouraged her to look into consolidating her loans and IBR. Those things are fine, but again what if the woman has private loan debt? IBR is of no use. Moreover, if the woman were to go into default, she would no longer be a candidate for these programs. But Ms. Higginbottom really didn't have much else to suggest. Luckily, she returned to speaking about prospective students and all the wonderful things they're doing for them, and how this woman can be assured that her 4 children will have opportunities to go to college, and take on their own student loan debt. Whoopdeedoo. Ms. Higginbottom, you are ignoring the indentured educated class, but why am I surprised?
The best and worst of 2010
Here are my choices for the best and worst education events of the past year; what are yours? Leave a comment!
Worst education events of 2010:
1. Class sizes increasing in NYC and many other areas of the country, due to budget cuts and wrong-headed priorities.
2. The rapid spread of credit recovery and substandard “virtual” instruction, with the goal of replacing real-life teachers with computers. Meanwhile, Joel Klein and Rupert Murdoch wait in the wings, eager to make a buck off online learning and the further degradation of public education.
3. The huge amount of money poured into the political campaigns of candidates who backed the agenda of the privateers, the funding of pseudo-documentaries like Waiting for Superman and The Lottery, the proliferation of fake grassroots groups like Stand for Children and Michelle Rhee’s Students First, the week-long horror show that was NBC’s Education Nation, all singing the same demented tune of privatization and high stakes testing. These political action funds, organizations, and media extravaganzas were financed and promoted by the same small group of powerful billionaires and hedge fund operators who are leveraging their private fortune and exerting outsized political influence in education, similar to the way that hostile corporate raiders took over large, undervalued companies in earlier decades.
4. Arne Duncan and the US Department of Education, whose agenda has been hijacked by the same group of corporate privateers, who spent billions in taxpayer funds to push policies that were contrary to research and common sense. These included “Race to the Top”, where they bribed cash-strapped states to pass laws encouraging the rapid expansion of charter schools and teacher evaluation tied to statistically unreliable student test scores, the slush fund called “Investing in Innovation” (or I 3) which siphoned millions of tax dollars to “innovative” programs like KIPP and Teach for America, the “Teacher Incentive Fund”, which wasted millions more on teacher bonus programs that have been proven to be ineffective, and the worst of all, the punitive but euphemistically named “School Improvement Grant” program, which is forcing closures, charter conversions, and mass firings of teachers at hundreds of inner city schools around the country.
5. The widespread acceptance by the privateers and the foundations, think tanks, and government officials who they control that ignoring research, demonizing teachers, disregarding the views of public school parents, and "experimenting" on our children constitutes an acceptable vision of education reform– as well as the use of rhetoric claiming that anyone who dares opposes their destructive policies is a defender of the status quo.
Best education events of 2010:
1. Joel Klein leaving office. No matter what kind of Chancellor Cathie Black turns out to be, it is difficult to imagine someone more arrogant, condescending and outright hostile to the interests of parents, teachers and kids – as well as the rule of law - than Joel Klein. Among his many sins, Klein took billions of dollars in state aid in exchange for a promise to reduce class size, and allowed class sizes to increase instead. (The danger is that Black, with a more charming manner, will be able to "sell" the same damaging policies more effectively than Klein was able to.)
2. Diane Ravitch recognized as the unique star that she is: writing a terrific book, and sharing her brilliant critique of the Billionaire Boys Club and her unwavering courage on the national stage.
3. The NY State Education Department finally admitting what has been long obvious to most independent observers -- that the state test scores upon which Bloomberg rode to a third term were hugely inflated, and recalibrating them downwards.
4. The emergence of a powerful counterforce to the dominant narrative of education reform through incisive critiques by public school parent bloggers throughout the nation, like Sharon Higgins of Oakland, Caroline Grannan of San Francisco, Julie Woestehoff of Chicago, Dora Taylor and Sue Peters of Seattle, Steve Koss, Gary Babad and Patrick Sullivan on our own NYC Public School Parent blog, and so many others….as well as Valerie Straus of the Washington Post Answer Sheet, who has given them even more prominence and a place to shine.
5. A resurgent wave of teacher activism, represented by Karen Lewis, the new head of the Chicago Teachers Union, the election of union insurgents in DC, lawsuits supported by the UFT on class size and school closings, the many unaffiliated, independent teacher groups like “Letters to Obama” led by Anthony Cody, as well as the continuing opposition of the NEA to NCLB, high stakes testing and the worst excesses of Arne Duncan and the Obama administration
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Viva Voice rescheduled at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
Source: Daily Star
KHA and GA unit Admission Schedule at Jahangirnagar University (JU)
Anti Corruption Commission-SCHEDULE for AD & DAD VIVA exams published
While its predecessor the Bureau of Anti Corruption was abolished on the same day. Although initially, it could not make the desired impact, but immediately following its reconstitution in February 2007, the ACC began working with renewed vigor and impetus duly acceding to the United Nation's convention against corruption that was adopted by the General Assembly way back on 31 October 2003.
The combined pass rate in the maiden junior school certificate (JSC) and junior dakhil certificate (JDC) exams is 73.04 percent.
The pass rate in JSC exam is 71.34 percent, and in JDC exam 81.03 percent.Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid briefed the media about the results yesterday afternoon in Bangladesh Secretariat.
When reporters asked him whether he is happy about the JSC and JDC exams' pass rate in light of the 92 percent pass rate in primary terminal examinations, the minister said the results are "not dissatisfactory".He said JSC and JDC exams cannot be compared with primary terminal exams.
Class VIII students took public exams for the first time this year, and they did not get enough time for preparation as the exams had been announced only a few months ago, he added.
"A number of students, especially in the rural areas, were not accustomed to such public examinations before, and they did not get much time for preparation. On top of that, there was no pre-selection exam like the ones usually held before secondary and higher secondary certificate exams," he said.
Other education officials also noted that the success rate could have been better had the students got more time for preparation, and the announcement of the examinations had been made earlier.
They observed that many students failed mostly in English, mathematics, and science subjects due to a lack of efficient teachers for those subjects.The education minister said committees have already been formed to find out why class VIII students tend to do bad in English, maths, and science. The committees will also recommend remedies, he added.
"We could not explain the question patterns and syllabus to the students adequately, for a lack of preparation time, and for that the rate of unsuccessful students is a bit higher I think," Barisal Education Board Chairman Prof Bimal Krishna Mazumder told The Daily Star.
A total of 8,556 students under 8 general education boards and 1 madrasa board scored the highest GPA-5 (grade point average) this year; 8052 of them are of general schools and 504 are of madrasas.As many as 10,20,047 students -- 8,22,275 of the general schools and 1,97,772 of the madrasas -- passed the examinations, while 3,76,552 failed.
A total of 15,09,847 students from 27,289 general schools and madrasas had registered for the exams, of whom 13,96,599 took the exams. Of them, 11,52,536 were of the 8 general education boards, and 2,44,063 of the madrasa board.
The number of schools with cent percent pass rate is 863, while only 2 madrasas got that credit. No student from 272 schools and 95 madrasas passed this year.The results were formally handed over to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the morning, prior to their publication.
Boys are ahead of girls in terms of pass rate and high GPA, even though the number of girl examinees was higher than the boys'. The pass rate among boys is 75.65 while the rate is 70.68 among girls.Of the total GPA-5 scorers, 4,820 are boys and 3,736 are girls.Among the students of general education boards, examinees of Barisal Board did the best with a pass rate of 81.75 percent while Sylhet Board is at the bottom with 61.97 percent pass rate. Dhaka is the second with 80.58 percent passed.
The government made a list of top 20 institutions for each general education board and the madrasa board on the basis of three factors -- total number of examinees, passed examinees, and the number of GPA-5 achievers.
On that basis, under Dhaka Education Board, Ideal School and College in Motijheel of the capital became the top school while Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, and Monipur High School became the second and the third respectively. In all other general education boards the top institutions are cadet colleges.
Under the madrasa board, Tamirul Millat Kamil Madrasa in Tongi of Gazipur became the first while Darunnazat Siddikia Kamil Madrasa, and Tamirul Millat Kamil Madrasa -- both in Demra of Dhaka secured the second and third positions respectively.
The pass rate for 7 general schools under foreign centres is 98.16 percent.Prof Fahima Khatun, chairman of Dhaka Education Board, told The Daily Star that she expected the results of all general education boards to be on a par with the results of Barisal and Dhaka boards.
"But some boards did not do as good, since English and math teachers in many areas are not efficient enough," she added.Dr SMA Abdul Khaleque, chairman of Sylhet Board which did the worst among general education boards, said, arrangements should be made for more training of teachers.
Briefing the reporters, the education minister said the government is trying to bring equality in the standard of education with such competitive public exams based on unified question papers.He said, the maiden JSC and JDC exams helped the government to understand what are the problems at this level of the education system.
He greeted all students of junior schools and junior dakhil madrasas saying many students took the exams with courage amid economic hardship.Asked whether any grace mark was awarded to the examinees to increase the pass rate, he said no grace mark was given.
Regarding scholarships to students who passed on the top of merit lists, he said the government will increase the number of scholarships, and an announcement regarding the matter will come soon. Currently, 22,000 scholarships -- 7,000 on the basis of extraordinary merit and 15,000 on the basis of general merit -- are being awarded at the completion of junior level general school education, he said adding that madrasa students will also get scholarships in the future.
Average 73.04 pc pass first JSC and JDC examinations
The examinees of Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) were well ahead compared to JSC examinees in terms of pass rate. JDC pass percentage is 81.03 compared to JSC's 71.34 percent.
Meanwhile, a total of 8556 students got GPA 5 (grade point average) in the exams. Among the GPA 5 achievers, 4820 are boys while remaining 3736 girls.
A total of 13,96,599 students out of registered 15,09,847 students from 27,221 educational institutions across the country took part in the exams under eight general education boards and one madrasa education board held in November.
Of the examinees, 11,52,536 students appeared for JSC examination while 2,44,063 for JDC exam.
A total of 8,22,275 students came out successful in JSC examination posting success rate at 71.34 percent. On the other hand, some 1,97,722 students passed in JDC showing pass percentage 81.03.
None from 272 schools and 95 madrasas could come out successful in the JSC and JDC examinations putting the number of unsuccessful institutions at 367.
Likewise, 865 educational institutions including two madrasas showed cent percent pass.
This time, in any public examination, boys showed progress in success rate keeping girls behind with 75.65 percent success of boys appeared for both JSC and JDC exams. Some 70.68 percent girls came out successful in the exam.
The number of participated boys were 6,62,595 while girls 7,34,004. A total of 5,01,222 boys and 5,18,825 girls came out successful in the both exams.
From now on, there would be no class final examination or separate scholarship examination for class VIII. JSC and JDC examinations.
Announcing the results formally Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid in his office said: "We're not dissatisfied over the success rate though the pass rate is lower than class V exam. We hope it'll improve gradually."
Nahid said most of the students failed in three subjects - English, Mathematics and science. "We've formed three committees to know the reasons and overcome it in future."
He said the exams were held peacefully. "We published the results within 37 days."
Replying to a question he said students would get textbooks within first week of January. "We'll celebrate January 1 as Textbook Festival."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
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Turning War Veterans Into Indentured Educated Citizens
I was recently in touch with a veteran who attended a non-profit school. While this person was a soldier in Iraq, their loans went into default. This occurred despite their efforts to get in touch with their lender to inform them that they were going to war. These are issues that ought to be investigated by the U.S. Department of Education, and as far as I am aware, no such thing is happening. How can we do this to soldiers who fight for the United States of America? How can we rip off any American who only wishes to better their lives through higher education? Here is yet another sad example of how we've lost our way - American is downgrading itself. Higher education is all about the bucks, and as a result it has become corrupted in the most sickening of ways.
Here's what the veteran had to say:
I was a music major at NMSU during the 2000-2001 academic year. During this period I had no choice but to take out one Stafford loan, and one Perkins loan, totaling about $5500, to cover my tuition and expenses for two semesters. I only had the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship for one semester, and at that time it barely covered half of the tuition, and a $500 a semester music scholarship, plus the minimum Pell Grant. During the Fall 2001 semester I withdrew from school, left the NM Army National Guard, and went into the regular Army, after the events of 9/11.
I somehow had my loans deferred while I spent my first year of service in Korea (2002-2003), I do not remember how. After my year in Korea, I was back in the US, but three months later I was deployed to Iraq(2003-2004). Before I deployed, I contacted NMEAF (the lender, now known as New Mexico Student Loans) and informed them I was going to be deployed to Iraq, and may not be able to make payments. I sent them a copy of my orders, which said I would be gone for 6 months to a year. I informed them I would most likely be deployed for a year. To my surprise 6 months later, I received some mail from my grandfather including a letter from NMEAF that my loans were in default and that the US Department of Education had consolidated them.
I thought this wasn't too big of a deal. When I returned home, I checked on how much I owed. The amount was a lot more than I expected. Apparently one of the loans accrued over a thousand in fees. My total was now roughly $7200. I wonder how much I would have owed had my loans stayed in deferment.
If this war veteran is unable to get out of default, the fees will make the debt astronomical. I've reviewed enough documents and listened to enough stories to know that a reasonable amount of debt can balloon once in default. And while this amount of debt may seem minuscule by a lot of people's standards, I know of many cases in which similarly small principal balances ran into the tens of thousands (and more) once the default machine was set into motion.
How much time do American kids spend doing homework?
I am going to rely on time survey data to give us hints about PISA test-scores. PISA is taken only by those aged 15-year, but let's examine all kids aged 15-18, both to increase the sample size and because high-school is more important. I will only include 15-18 year olds who are enrolled full time in high-school.

I think the graph and the implications for educational outcomes are pretty self-explanatory, even though I will admit that I was (again) surprised by just how large the differences are.
The only thing I would like to caution is not to assume a 1-1 causal relationship between input and output: kids who are better at school anyway may also study more, getting a double-advantage so to speak.
This graph is worth keeping in mind next time you read that the Asian school system rather than Asian culture explains Asian educational outcomes. These are Asian-Americans under (largely) the same American public school system that the media has decided is the cause of Americas problems. With American teachers, American teacher unions, with typical American levels of education funding, and facing the same American lack of school choice.
The Asian school system was if I understand the history correctly originally a carbon-copy of western school systems. They may have retained more class-room discipline, and more memorization, but other than that there appears nothing magic about the schools themselves.
We have to look at the society outside the classroom if we want to explain the differences in outcome. Instead of mindlessly assuming all variation in output is due to education policy, one single input of the human capital production function.
Kako je bukvarnica knjižnica postala
Vir: Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, 1849, številka 36, str. 158
V času, ko so se naši predniki še ne dolgo tega prekljali okrog primernosti in neprimernosti besed knjiga in bukve (gl. Kako so bukve knjiga postale), je bilo seveda treba najti tudi izraz za prostor, kjer se te knjige/bukve hrani, izposoja in bere. Težo in posledice slovenske neodločnosti na tem primeru čutimo še danes, odločili
Links 30-12-10
1. Economics Teaching Sessions at AEA Meeting in Denver (via Greg Mankiw)
2. Stumbling and Mumbling has some interesting thoughts on tail-risk and Northern Ireland's current trouble with water. Dublin has been hit with water shortages also due, it seems, to burst pipes leading to massive leaks of water. The preparedness of Ireland and the UK for the type of extreme (by standards this side of the world) weather conditions experienced in the last month is a very interesting case-study in cost-benefit analysis and behavioural economics.
3. The Guardian letter-writing page starts attacking the "nudge agenda".
4. New website of the Cornell Center for Behavioural Economics in Child Nutrition.
5. From Behavioural Economics to the Bedside - about a JAMA edition on physician reasoning in case you were wondering.
6. Hepburn et al - Behavioural Economics, Hyperbolic Discounting and Environmental Policy - from a recent special issue of Environmental and Resource Economics
7. Kirman and Teschi - The Role of Empathy in Economics
Empathy is a longstanding issue in economics, especially for welfare economics, but one which has faded from the scene in recent years. However, with the rise of neuroeconomics, there is now a renewed interest in this subject. Some economists have even gone so far as to suggest that neuroscientific experiments reveal heterogeneous empathy levels across individuals. If this were the case, this would be in line with economists' usual assumption of stable and given preferences and would greatly facilitate the study of prosocial behaviour with which empathy is often associated. After reviewing some neuroscientific psychological and neuroeconomic evidence on empathy, we will, however, criticize the notion of a given empathy distribution in the population by referring to recent experiments on a public goods game that suggest that, on the contrary, the degree of empathy that individuals exhibit is very much dependent on context and social interaction
Behavioural Economics and Labour Market Policy
Labor, Jobs and the Economy, Unemployment, U.S. Economy
Linda Babcock, James M. Walton Professor of Economics, Carnegie Mellon University
William J. Congdon, Research Director, Economic Studies
Lawrence F. Katz, Elisabeth Allison Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
The Brookings Institution
I am currently reading this paper with a view to thinking about the applicability to the Irish and UK labour market. Their suggestions for policy reform are below. Any policy people who read this blog and are interested in unemployment should read this paper. Would be great to start thinking concretely about applications in the Irish case.
Recommendations for policy reform
Unemployment compensation. Should include wage-loss insurance in some form. In addition to the insurance benefits it provides, wage-loss insurance offers a way of assisting individuals with the psychological adjustment to changing labor market conditions and addresses likely biases in wage expectations that impede work incentives.
Employment services and job search assistance. Should be expanded to provide more accessible and meaningful information about labor market conditions and occupational projections. These programs should help address procrastination in job search and provide guidance to unemployed and low-wage individuals in a way that both reflects and takes advantage of the way people process information.
Job training. Should simplify program take-up, navigation, and completion, and provide user-friendly information on the quality of training providers. These programs should structure choices to reflect the limited abilities of individuals to manage complexity and exert self-control.
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Affective Forecasting and Optimal Environmental Behaviour
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Blog Development
(i) Have taken off dead twitter links and inactive blogs from the links
(ii) Have added some blogs e.g. Nudge had switched to a new site
(iii) Have added a search widget
(iv) Have added a page-counter
(v) Reset Upcoming Conference Deadlines
(vi) Removed Followers Tab - not really adding much
Oh, the Irony: Deny Black Waiver Post Dec. 23 hearing comments of parents and lawyers
The full video coverage - see for yourself what went on in front of the judge and decide if he made a good legal decision or was it politically tainted. Read the judge's decision:
Part of a series of videos.
28 minute Norman Siegel presentation: http://vimeo.com/18152230
State Attorney General and City Corp Council defense of Black - so you can see just how lame it is. http://vimeo.com/18154003
Roger Wareham presentation: http://vimeo.com/18162396
Eric Snyder presentation: http://vimeo.com/18169037
Rebuttals from all sides: http://vimeo.com/18169854
Post-hearing reactions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX2YGKw4DOI
Results of Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations are going to be published on Thursday.
Prime minister's press secretary Abul Kalam Azad told reporters that the results had been handed over to the prime minister at her official residence Ganabhaban earlier in the day. The junior level exams started on November 4 and concluded on November 15. Some 1.5 million students sat under all education boards including Madrasa Board, which accounts for about a fifth of the examinees. The examinations were held at 1,804 centres, among which seven were set up abroad. As all the students of class eight had to participate the examinations, they did not require to sit for an annual examination at their respective schools.