Here is a list of the feature articles in the forthcoming issue of TMME:
- When is .999... Less Than 1? by Karin Usadi Katz and Mikhail G. Katz (Israel)
- High School Teachers use of Dynamic Software to generate serendipitous mathematical relations, by Manuel Santos-Trigo and Hugo Espinosa-Pérez (Mexico)
- Gender and Mathematics Education in Pakistan: A situation analysis, by Anjum Halai (Pakistan/Tanzania)
- Early Intervention in College Mathematics Courses: A Component of the STEM RRG Program Funded by the US Department of Education, by Rohitha Goonatilake and Eduardo Chappa (USA)
- "What Was Really Accomplished Today?" Mathematics Content Specialists Observe a Class for Prospective K-8 Teachers, by Andrew M. Tyminski, Sarah Ledford, Dennis Hembree (USA)
- Leading Learning within a PLC: Implementing New Mathematics Content, by Ann Heirdsfield, Janeen Lamb, Gayle Spry (Australia)
- Mathematical Reasoning in Service Courses: Why Students Need Mathematical Modeling Problems, by Kris H. Green & Allen Emerson (USA)
- Randomness: Developing an understanding of mathematical order, by Steve Humble (UK)
- The Constructs of PhD Students about Infinity: An Application of Repertory Grids, by Serdar Aztekin, Ahmet Arikan (Turkey) & Bharath Sriraman (USA)
Below, you'll find Professor Bharath Sriraman's editorial, and the updated editorial board info:
TMME, vol7, no1, 2010, Editorial
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