Monday, October 19, 2009

Students write letters to synagogues defaced with graffiti

Students at Alternative School #1 in Seattle wrote letters to the congregants of the synagogues defaced with antisemitic graffiti.

(See entry, "Swastikas painted on Seattle synagogues.")

Josephine Cripps is one of the Holocaust Center's master teachers and frequent consultant to the Holocaust Center's educational programming and materials.

Excerpts from the students' letters:

Dear Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation,

My name is S. and I'm in the Holocaust studies class at Alternative School #1. Recently my teacher Jo gave us an article to read. I read the article and learned that two of your synagogues had been defaces by images of swastikas. I also learned that some of the nearby houses had also been vandalized. This fact outrages me...This sort of thing should not be happening in Seattle or anywhere else....

Dear Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation,

...I never really thought that antisemitism existed in Washington until now. I am so sorry. I know that if someone painted hate symbols on my home I would fee awful. Not only would I feel awful, but also scared. I wish that I could say that I know what its like, but I don't. And I can't even start thinking of how you must feel. I am outraged. It makes me so upset that people think it's okay to disrespect others, but in such a way like this...well, it's absolutely horrible. I want you to know that you are in my prayers...

Dear Bikur Cholim,

My name is D. I have recently heard about the swastika graffiti that has vandalized your synagogue and I am agitated by that, but also deeply sorry. I am studying the Holocaust in school so I know what that symbol symbolizes. I am really, really sorry. I do hope that it doesn't happen to anyone again....

Dear Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation,

Though I haven't experienced any hate crimes against me, I can only imagine how it feels having swastikas painted on your synagogue and homes. It is most likely a terrifying and infuriating experience. Keep in mind that though there may be ignorant people who do uncivil acts of hatred towards your religion, lots of people in Seattle care about this issue and re more than willing to support you, including me.

Dear Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation,

My name is J. I am writing to let you know I stand by your side. I live right in your neighborhood. I feel that you need support. So you will get it. I am studying the Holocaust at Alternative School #1. I will stop at nothing to help. I will write to see how you're doing, and if you choose you can write back. I am one of your neighbors. My twin and I will keep an eye out and report anything suspicious to the police.

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