National Data for Studying Rural Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Applications. I work in an urban school. However, i found this look at rural primary schools of interest.
From the site:
Information collected specifically on rural education is scant (Haas, 1992; Stern, 1994). However, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) recently geared up its efforts to disseminate data and products on elementary and secondary education that contain measures of community urbanicity, making rural-urban comparisons or rural-focused analyses possible (Stephens, 1992). This digest describes NCES datasets, presents issues that can be addressed with NCES data, and offers practical tips for accessing these data.
NCES has primarily two types of data: population data and survey data. Population data cover the nation's school universe and provide descriptive information. Survey data do not actually cover the national population, but can yield estimates from nationally representative samples of schools or students. Most NCES surveys are conducted by questionnaire (some with supplementary telephone or personal interviews) using stratified probability samples. Driven by specific policy issues, surveys collect detailed and dynamic information.
The Common Core of Data (CCD) covers all public elementary and secondary schools as well as local and state education agencies. Information collected by CCD includes descriptive data on schools and districts (name, address, phone number, and locale); demographic data on students and staff; and fiscal data (revenues and current expenditures). CCD is a major source for identifying and describing public elementary and secondary schools and school districts in the U.S.
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