Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I met you on a midway ...

This week's carnival of education is up at the Education Wonks!

More on NYU demonstration

Well, the rally for the NYU grad student union is going on as we speak, and if the NY Sun can be trusted on the accuracy of its information, then Gifford Miller had plans to be there. Did he show? I will keep you posted.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bush and Bilingual Education

USA Today reports that the Bush administration is trying to sweep a two-year study on bilingual education under the rug because it doesn't agree with the results. According to the article, the National Literacy Panel, a group of university researchers, called into question the effectiveness of English-only classes for immigrant children. The findings of the study, although backed up by a lot of research, apparently challenges the view of some conservatives that all education in the U.S. should be in English.

It's terrible that Bush is letting politics (about immigration and cultural issues, not education) get in the way of finding the best way to educate immigrant children. But this article got me thinking about a mother who received an invitation for her 8 year old son to attend a school with a dual language program in New York City. The mother, an immigrant from South America that doesn't speak any English (the kid does), was dead set against having her kid take any classes in Spanish, and I have heard a lot of immigrant parents say the same thing about bilingual education. They want their kids to have the most opportunities possible, and think that taking any longer to really learn English will set the kids back.

I also know that a lot of immigrant parents do support bilingual education and dual language programs, and I hope the debate over bilingual education will be played out between both groups of parents alongside informed research that can help them decide what is the best for their children. Right-wing anti-immigrant groups shouldn't be calling the shots.

Solidarity forever

Leo Casey at Edwize is publicizing a demonstration at NYU this Wednesday at noon protesting the university's decision to disband the grad student union.

The Bellman ruminates on the solidarity expressed in this move (the NYU grad student union was an affiliate of United Auto Workers, whereas the UFT is a local of the AFT).

Excessive testing update

Third, fifth, and seventh graders may not have to take the state reading and math tests this year after all, according to the NY Post.

The First Week of Class

Here we go! For this first week of class, I do not require the students to read the Journal. I introduce and explain the assignment, but hold off until the second week to begin for a couple of reasons. First, unless your school is an Academic Partner* with the WSJ, it takes a few days for everyone to get subscribed and for delivery to begin. Also things are very busy the first week, just getting the class started. To warm things up, I mention some recent articles I have read to begin modeling what I would like the students to do. This also sparks some interest in reading the paper.

I suggest you have your students subscribe through That seems to be a good way to get the subscription rolling quickly. And it is easier for you because you do not have to do any of the paperwork, mailing or faxing. The alternative to web registry is to have each student complete subscription forms, which you can fax to the WSJ. This was my method for many years.

One tip: Be open with your students from the very beginning! Share with them the fact that you do not read every article in the Journal everyday (unless you do!). That may seem obvious to you or unnecessary to mention, but I find that revelation makes reading the Journal seem more attractive and less of a burden for them. Students can now view the paper as it should be viewed - something to inform and to be enjoyed, not a huge assignment. Another significant benefit for me is that I do not have to pretend that I have read an article if I have not! In fact, when my students bring up an article I have not read, I am open with them. I tell them that I did not read it and also say how excited I am to hear what they have to say. I must have missed a good article if they thought it should be selected! You would be amazed how that student sits up a little straighter and speaks with a little more authority. I then ask questions based on what I might know about the topic in general. I have had great results. Win-win: I am not viewed as unprepared; the student gains a feeling of importance and contribution.

Have a great week!

* WSJ Academic Partnerships - This is a special arrangement in which the WSJ partners with individual schools with some special advantages. For more information see, contact your WSJ sales representative through, or contact Stephanie Major at

The First Week of Class

Here we go! For this first week of class, I do not require the students to read the Journal. I introduce and explain the assignment, but hold off until the second week to begin for a couple of reasons. First, unless your school is an Academic Partner* with the WSJ, it takes a few days for everyone to get subscribed and for delivery to begin. Also things are very busy the first week, just getting the class started. To warm things up, I mention some recent articles I have read to begin modeling what I would like the students to do. This also sparks some interest in reading the paper.

I suggest you have your students subscribe through That seems to be a good way to get the subscription rolling quickly. And it is easier for you because you do not have to do any of the paperwork, mailing or faxing. The alternative to web registry is to have each student complete subscription forms, which you can fax to the WSJ. This was my method for many years.

One tip: Be open with your students from the very beginning! Share with them the fact that you do not read every article in the Journal everyday (unless you do!). That may seem obvious to you or unnecessary to mention, but I find that revelation makes reading the Journal seem more attractive and less of a burden for them. Students can now view the paper as it should be viewed - something to inform and to be enjoyed, not a huge assignment. Another significant benefit for me is that I do not have to pretend that I have read an article if I have not! In fact, when my students bring up an article I have not read, I am open with them. I tell them that I did not read it and also say how excited I am to hear what they have to say. I must have missed a good article if they thought it should be selected! You would be amazed how that student sits up a little straighter and speaks with a little more authority. I then ask questions based on what I might know about the topic in general. I have had great results. Win-win: I am not viewed as unprepared; the student gains a feeling of importance and contribution.

Have a great week!

* WSJ Academic Partnerships - This is a special arrangement in which the WSJ partners with individual schools with some special advantages. For more information see, contact your WSJ sales representative through, or contact Stephanie Major at

The First Week of Class

Here we go! For this first week of class, I do not require the students to read the Journal. I introduce and explain the assignment, but hold off until the second week to begin for a couple of reasons. First, unless your school is an Academic Partner* with the WSJ, it takes a few days for everyone to get subscribed and for delivery to begin. Also things are very busy the first week, just getting the class started. To warm things up, I mention some recent articles I have read to begin modeling what I would like the students to do. This also sparks some interest in reading the paper.

I suggest you have your students subscribe through That seems to be a good way to get the subscription rolling quickly. And it is easier for you because you do not have to do any of the paperwork, mailing or faxing. The alternative to web registry is to have each student complete subscription forms, which you can fax to the WSJ. This was my method for many years.

One tip: Be open with your students from the very beginning! Share with them the fact that you do not read every article in the Journal everyday (unless you do!). That may seem obvious to you or unnecessary to mention, but I find that revelation makes reading the Journal seem more attractive and less of a burden for them. Students can now view the paper as it should be viewed - something to inform and to be enjoyed, not a huge assignment. Another significant benefit for me is that I do not have to pretend that I have read an article if I have not! In fact, when my students bring up an article I have not read, I am open with them. I tell them that I did not read it and also say how excited I am to hear what they have to say. I must have missed a good article if they thought it should be selected! You would be amazed how that student sits up a little straighter and speaks with a little more authority. I then ask questions based on what I might know about the topic in general. I have had great results. Win-win: I am not viewed as unprepared; the student gains a feeling of importance and contribution.

Have a great week!

* WSJ Academic Partnerships - This is a special arrangement in which the WSJ partners with individual schools with some special advantages. For more information see, contact your WSJ sales representative through, or contact Stephanie Major at

Sunday, August 28, 2005

School of Blogger needs your help!

Diane Ravitch had an op/ed in the NY Sun on Friday about how dismally bad American students are at History. She blames this, in part, to the fact that so few high school history teachers actually majored in history.

Well friends, I'm part of the problem. Next week I'll start taking classes at night toward my certification in high school social studies. But my college major was Urban Studies, and the only history class I ever took in college was one on the urban crisis in the U.S. post-WWII.

So over the course of the next two years while I do my coursework, I'm going to attempt to recreate the history education I never had. But I need your help in putting together the syllabus. In the comments section, please post the top 5 (or more, or less) most important history books you have ever read.

My future students thank you.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Promoting Real Parent Involvement

The School of Blog has learned that City Council Speaker Gifford Miller and Councilmember (and head of the Education Committee) Eva Moskowitz have decided to support the Education Equity Act (previous posts here, and here), a bill that would provide comprehensive translation services to parents in NYC public schools. The support of Miller and Moskowitz (along with 33 other council members) means the Education Equity Act has a real shot of passing this year. Providing translation services could go a long way towards getting all parents involved in public schools, where over 25 percent of parents cannot participate because of language barriers.

Check back for more details next week.

School of Blog on the mayoral candidates: Part I

Anthony Weiner was at the Grand Army Plaza station this morning. I have to admit, he is a handsome specimen of mayoral candidate.

According to the flyer he gave out, the first step of "The Anthony Weiner Plan for New York City" is to "Improve Our Schools by cutting through the red tape to allow our teachers to teach and our principals to discipline. He'll also help us to keep the best teachers by increasing salaries and allowing them to get back to the basics."

Vague. A trip to his campaign Web site clears things up a bit. Here's what he says about the curriculum:
The current uniform curriculum was chosen without real input from teachers, and micro-manages every aspect of the teaching process. The original reading program - Month by Month Phonics - had to be radically scaled down and supplemented after it failed to meet federal standards and was roundly criticized by
education experts. The math problem emphasizes "concepts" rather than basic mathematical skills like the multiplication tables. It's time to start over, emphasizing real involvement from teachers and a back to basics approach.

I am not a teacher, so I couldn't say if this is something that really concerns teachers. To me it sounds a little fishy; if you are a teacher, please comment!

Weiner also implicitly ridicules Bloomberg's parent coordinator initiative as a waste of money elsewhere on his Web site. True, the parent coordinator hasn't been taken fully advantage of in every school. But a mayor who doesn't value the role of parents in schools .... ?

UPDATE: Good analysis in the NY Times today -- the gist: the Democratic candidates just don't have that much to say about education.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Journalism and Communications Professors

Attention all Journalism and Communications Professors:
If you teach in the areas of Journalism, Communications, or Public Relations, this message is for you. One of your colleagues emailed me asking if I knew of professors using the Journal in her discipline with the intent of sharing ideas. So if you are in any of these areas and use the Journal or are considering adopting it for your courses, please email me and I will share names and email addresses with others in your discipline who contact me.

By the way, you might want to consider another resource. The Journal offers Weekly Reviews for Journalism and Media. You can sign up for these free weekly emails at I have read these reviews and they are very well-written.

And these Weekly Reviews are not just for Journalism professors only. There are 16 various disciplines from which to choose. So professors in many disciplines can take advantage of this great teaching tool.

Journalism and Communications Professors

Attention all Journalism and Communications Professors:
If you teach in the areas of Journalism, Communications, or Public Relations, this message is for you. One of your colleagues emailed me asking if I knew of professors using the Journal in her discipline with the intent of sharing ideas. So if you are in any of these areas and use the Journal or are considering adopting it for your courses, please email me and I will share names and email addresses with others in your discipline who contact me.

By the way, you might want to consider another resource. The Journal offers Weekly Reviews for Journalism and Media. You can sign up for these free weekly emails at I have read these reviews and they are very well-written.

And these Weekly Reviews are not just for Journalism professors only. There are 16 various disciplines from which to choose. So professors in many disciplines can take advantage of this great teaching tool.

Journalism and Communications Professors

Attention all Journalism and Communications Professors:
If you teach in the areas of Journalism, Communications, or Public Relations, this message is for you. One of your colleagues emailed me asking if I knew of professors using the Journal in her discipline with the intent of sharing ideas. So if you are in any of these areas and use the Journal or are considering adopting it for your courses, please email me and I will share names and email addresses with others in your discipline who contact me.

By the way, you might want to consider another resource. The Journal offers Weekly Reviews for Journalism and Media. You can sign up for these free weekly emails at I have read these reviews and they are very well-written.

And these Weekly Reviews are not just for Journalism professors only. There are 16 various disciplines from which to choose. So professors in many disciplines can take advantage of this great teaching tool.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Latino voters and high school reform

The Alliance for Excellent Education released an opinion survey today on public high schools in America. The message was pretty clear: people want high schools to improve. Some excerpts:

The findings are conclusive: the American public sees problems with high schools and they overwhelmingly want governors, members of Congress, and the President to pay more attention to them. In fact, for the first time, the public feels more urgency to improve high schools than elementary education.
"This poll is important," Wise said, "because it clearly states that for the first time, Americans believe that high schools should be a top priority for our federal and state officials, as well as for business and community leaders. The poll also shows that simply improving grade school is not enough; the commitment must be made and maintained at every level."

Among other findings, the National Council of La Raza reports, is the very strong support among Latinos nationwide for public school reform. Over 80 percent of Latinos thought there was an urgent need to improve high schools and that President Bush and Congress weren't paying enough attention to the matter. Any wonder why Hillary Clinton gave this speech to an enthusiatic Latino audience in July?

Is Richardson the new Anthony Williams?

Here at the School of Blog, we have a particular penchant for Bill Richardson, who we think would make a good presidential candidate in 08. But lately we just don't know what to think about the guy ... cracking down on undocumented immigrants? And now, the face of vouchers in the New York Post??

Okay, well you can't see it in the online version, but in the print version of today's NY Post, Richardson's headshot accompanies an opinion piece on Democrats backing school choice. It refers to his pre-K initiative in New Mexico, which the piece calls a "voucher program."

Now, I don't have the time or the knowledge to go too far into it right now, but Richardson's program sounds to me much less like Cleveland-style vouchers and more like Head Start.

But that aside, is it a good thing or a bad thing that two conservative opinionmakers have made Richardson out to be a conservative Democrat?

Lift the Cap!

Paula Gavin (CEO of the NYC Center for Charter School Excellence) calls for lifting the cap on charters in NY in today's Daily News.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Preparation for the New Semester

Hello everyone! We are about to begin a new school year here at IU Southeast. My classes begin August 29th, but some of you may already be in the thick of things. I am in the midst of that eerie, quiet time of year before the students hit and I am trying to benefit from that last bit of concentrated research time in between my class prep and beginning-of-the-year retreats, workshops, and orientations. Along the way, I have drafted my syllabus to incorporate the Wall Street Journal into each of my fall classes. I invite you to join me through this blog.

I teach a variety of subjects in which the WSJ is a valuable research. For many years, I have used the Journal on virtually a daily basis in all my classes to bring my students to a new level. I have enjoyed the success of my students and the enhanced classroom environment resulting from using real-world application to connect with course material. I am excited to share the details of my learning goals and student progress in the coming weeks.

I teach both in the graduate and undergraduate business programs, lower-level and advanced classes, in the areas of accounting, business law, and business ethics. As a result, I have experienced different aspects of application for the Journal in a variety of subjects and levels.

In the next few weeks, I will share more details of my assignment using the WSJ in class. But briefly, I begin each class session asking a student (selected at random) what they have read in the Journal. Every student must be prepared each class session to discuss an article, but no formal write-up is required. All students turn to that particular article in their own newspapers and follow along with the presenter. If others have read that same article, they are very welcome to jump in the discussion. I grade on a pass/fail basis, making grade notations during the short presentation. This assignment counts for around 10% of the total grade, which I quickly calculate at the end of the semester. It is a terrific way to begin each class period, and the students progress very well.

This is only one of many ways you can incorporate the Journal in your class. I will go into more detail next week!

Throughout the coming weeks, I plan to share my classroom experiences, successes and challenges, usage ideas, incorporation of the Journal to help in achieving learning goals. To add an interactive component to the blog and to benefit other readers, I would also like to include some comments, questions, or ideas from you, as you use or consider using the Journal in your classes, as they would benefit WSJ blog readers. (Please indicate if you would like to remain anonymous.) Feel free to email me at

Preparation for the New Semester

Hello everyone! We are about to begin a new school year here at IU Southeast. My classes begin August 29th, but some of you may already be in the thick of things. I am in the midst of that eerie, quiet time of year before the students hit and I am trying to benefit from that last bit of concentrated research time in between my class prep and beginning-of-the-year retreats, workshops, and orientations. Along the way, I have drafted my syllabus to incorporate the Wall Street Journal into each of my fall classes. I invite you to join me through this blog.

I teach a variety of subjects in which the WSJ is a valuable research. For many years, I have used the Journal on virtually a daily basis in all my classes to bring my students to a new level. I have enjoyed the success of my students and the enhanced classroom environment resulting from using real-world application to connect with course material. I am excited to share the details of my learning goals and student progress in the coming weeks.

I teach both in the graduate and undergraduate business programs, lower-level and advanced classes, in the areas of accounting, business law, and business ethics. As a result, I have experienced different aspects of application for the Journal in a variety of subjects and levels.

In the next few weeks, I will share more details of my assignment using the WSJ in class. But briefly, I begin each class session asking a student (selected at random) what they have read in the Journal. Every student must be prepared each class session to discuss an article, but no formal write-up is required. All students turn to that particular article in their own newspapers and follow along with the presenter. If others have read that same article, they are very welcome to jump in the discussion. I grade on a pass/fail basis, making grade notations during the short presentation. This assignment counts for around 10% of the total grade, which I quickly calculate at the end of the semester. It is a terrific way to begin each class period, and the students progress very well.

This is only one of many ways you can incorporate the Journal in your class. I will go into more detail next week!

Throughout the coming weeks, I plan to share my classroom experiences, successes and challenges, usage ideas, incorporation of the Journal to help in achieving learning goals. To add an interactive component to the blog and to benefit other readers, I would also like to include some comments, questions, or ideas from you, as you use or consider using the Journal in your classes, as they would benefit WSJ blog readers. (Please indicate if you would like to remain anonymous.) Feel free to email me at

Preparation for the New Semester

Hello everyone! We are about to begin a new school year here at IU Southeast. My classes begin August 29th, but some of you may already be in the thick of things. I am in the midst of that eerie, quiet time of year before the students hit and I am trying to benefit from that last bit of concentrated research time in between my class prep and beginning-of-the-year retreats, workshops, and orientations. Along the way, I have drafted my syllabus to incorporate the Wall Street Journal into each of my fall classes. I invite you to join me through this blog.

I teach a variety of subjects in which the WSJ is a valuable research. For many years, I have used the Journal on virtually a daily basis in all my classes to bring my students to a new level. I have enjoyed the success of my students and the enhanced classroom environment resulting from using real-world application to connect with course material. I am excited to share the details of my learning goals and student progress in the coming weeks.

I teach both in the graduate and undergraduate business programs, lower-level and advanced classes, in the areas of accounting, business law, and business ethics. As a result, I have experienced different aspects of application for the Journal in a variety of subjects and levels.

In the next few weeks, I will share more details of my assignment using the WSJ in class. But briefly, I begin each class session asking a student (selected at random) what they have read in the Journal. Every student must be prepared each class session to discuss an article, but no formal write-up is required. All students turn to that particular article in their own newspapers and follow along with the presenter. If others have read that same article, they are very welcome to jump in the discussion. I grade on a pass/fail basis, making grade notations during the short presentation. This assignment counts for around 10% of the total grade, which I quickly calculate at the end of the semester. It is a terrific way to begin each class period, and the students progress very well.

This is only one of many ways you can incorporate the Journal in your class. I will go into more detail next week!

Throughout the coming weeks, I plan to share my classroom experiences, successes and challenges, usage ideas, incorporation of the Journal to help in achieving learning goals. To add an interactive component to the blog and to benefit other readers, I would also like to include some comments, questions, or ideas from you, as you use or consider using the Journal in your classes, as they would benefit WSJ blog readers. (Please indicate if you would like to remain anonymous.) Feel free to email me at

NCLB II: No Community Left Behind?

Not sure how far she'll go with this, but Arizona Governer Janet Napolitano apparently has some ideas for a national school reform effort that goes beyond NCLB by "address[ing] fundamental challenges facing the education system."

Napolitano is co-chair of this task force, whose recommendations are not earth-shattering nor particularly realistic, but some are certainly interesting. For instance:
Link neighborhood schools with their communities and families by providing such things as social services, English classes, parenting skills classes and home visits.

Wize or Otherwize

It seems like the sleeping edu-blogging beast has awoken in recent days! EdWize has been up and running for 4 days and already has garnered veiled/unveiled criticism from the Daily News and Eduwonk. This triggered a scathing response.

I'm psyched to have another labor-friendly education-related NYC blog on the scene, and in the interest of keeping them around I think the people at EdWize would be wize to put up an "About" page. Who are these people, and what is their purpose? Clearing that up would stave off a lot of the "don't you people have better things to do than voice your liberal ideas" questions.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Dems don't like Bloomberg, but they'll keep his tests

At yesterday's mayoral debate, the four Democratic candidates got a little testy over budget and tax issues (NYT article about the debate here). One interesting note though, all four candidates said they would continue Bloomberg's policy of holding back 3rd and 5th graders (and now 7th graders) that did not pass English and math tests. And Virginia Fields apparently promised that all NYC public school students will meet standards if she becomes mayor.

The four descended into a bit of squabbling when asked if they would continue Mr. Bloomberg's policy of holding back public school students who do not pass new academic tests. Mr. Miller said yes; Mr. Ferrer said he would keep the test but rethink Mr. Bloomberg's approach; and Ms. Fields said she would keep the test because under a Fields administration, "they will pass the test."
"Everybody will pass the test?" Mr. Miller asked.
Mr. Weiner said that he supported tests, and then jabbed: "If you guys are the nominee, I'm going to vote for you over Mike Bloomberg, but I don't know what you're talking about. This is a simple yes or no question. Are tests important, should we keep them? Yes, we should keep them."

Charter effort revived in Detroit

In Detroit, philanthropist Robert Thompson is reviving a plan to donate $200 million to furnish the city with 15 new charter schools. The offer died a couple of years ago after massive protests by the Detroit Federation of Teachers. Thompson is apparently part of a growing number of philanthropists who give to education-related organzations to achieve specific reforms.

From my understanding, the Detroit Federation of Teachers wasn't pissed off at the Thompson deal because they "argue charter schools drain money from the traditional public system and criticize Thompson for not working with the district" as the Detroit News article suggests, but because Thompson was offering to donate the schools to Detroit on the condition that the schools not be unionized.

I'll have to check on this fact and get back to you; in the meantime, does anyone know any more about it?

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Few (More) Good Schools in New York City

An article in The Daily News highlights several primary schools that have been added to the guide "New York City's Best Public Elementary Schools", which is published by Advocates for Children (they also have a great website with information on almost every school in the city). The comments in the article by Clara Hemphill, the author of the guide, are also interesting:

"New York City has a surprising number of excellent public elementary schools - you may have one just a few blocks from your home," Hemphill writes in the guide's new third edition.

"New schools are opening all the time, and strong leadership can transform a mediocre school into a good one in just a few years."

The emphasis on the importance of the leadership of school administrations and parent involvement (mentioned in a couple of the reviews of the schools) in turning around primary schools shows that a lot of the problems with NYC schools can be solved from within the school and the community. Of course, there are a lot of problems that require more funding and action from the DOE (and there are a lot of schools that are not close to being on the list), and middle and high schools have harder time promoting parent involvement than primary schools do, but Hemphill's take on city schools seems to be pretty upbeat. I'll have to keep that in mind after the school year starts.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Brooklyn School Taken to Court for Ignoring Racial Violence

Newsday reports today that Lafayette High School in Brooklyn is being taken to court by the Justice Department under the Civil Rights Act for ignoring racially motivated violence, specifically against Asian and Asian American students.

Friday, August 19, 2005

NCLB and ELLs in New Jersey

The Philly Inquirer reports today that English Language Learners (ELLs) in four school districts in South Jersey failed to make adequate progress on reading and math tests. Throughout the state, 40 districts did not meet English fluency standards.

This is the first year that schools are required (by No Child Left Behind) to report the progress of ELL students, and these won't be the last districts scolded for not raising the achievement of immigrant kids. Of course, it's impossible (for me, at least) to know whether the state standarized tests are accurately measuring how well ELLs are learning English in New Jersey, but I think it is great that schools are being pushed to recognize that the needs of their immigrant students are not being met and to improve ESL and bilingual classes.

New NYC ed blog

Looks like the UFT has a new blog, and we're in the links! Pretty cool design. Welcome, edWize.

Update: Daily News article on Edwize

more on Teachers vs. Kids

Eduwonk responds to yesterday's post about the idea that teachers' unions are at odds with the interests of kids.

I completely agree with him that teachers' unions (and their unions) sometimes pursue policies that are "at odds with the public interest." After spending a year in the employ of a major teachers' union, I am certainly aware that they do not always have the best interest of students in mind when lobbying for or against certain policies. Their desire for the annihiliation of No Child Left Behind is a good example.

What bothers me is when politicians take issues like health care or an increase in salary and imply that by demanding these things, teachers and their unions are somehow against kids. One simply has nothing to do with the other. It's a stance they can take because we are talking about children and we are talking about teachers, who are liked best when they are seen as martyrs and do-gooders, who have no special talents or skills. This line of thinking would not exist if the public genuinely viewed teachers as professionals, with professional training, who deserve to be compensated for their expertise.

Monday, August 8, 2005


Welcome to The Wall Street Journal professor blog! I am Linda Christiansen, a professor at Indiana University Southeast. I have used the Journal in my classes for years, and see the value of this tool, as well as the benefits for my students. Each week during the Fall 2005 semester, I will chronicle my use of The Journal in my accounting, business law, and business ethics classes, describing my methods for classroom integration, as well as sharing reactions from students and colleagues.

You can always reach this blog by visiting the Journal-in-Education Web site at


Welcome to The Wall Street Journal professor blog! I am Linda Christiansen, a professor at Indiana University Southeast. I have used the Journal in my classes for years, and see the value of this tool, as well as the benefits for my students. Each week during the Fall 2005 semester, I will chronicle my use of The Journal in my accounting, business law, and business ethics classes, describing my methods for classroom integration, as well as sharing reactions from students and colleagues.

You can always reach this blog by visiting the Journal-in-Education Web site at


Welcome to The Wall Street Journal professor blog! I am Linda Christiansen, a professor at Indiana University Southeast. I have used the Journal in my classes for years, and see the value of this tool, as well as the benefits for my students. Each week during the Fall 2005 semester, I will chronicle my use of The Journal in my accounting, business law, and business ethics classes, describing my methods for classroom integration, as well as sharing reactions from students and colleagues.

You can always reach this blog by visiting the Journal-in-Education Web site at